Monday, December 05, 2005

Wild Mountain

Hey Guys! I think its now or never on the book write ups. Let's say we post our thoughts of "David" on Friday (or so). That gives those of you on the slack side a little time to catch up! Happy reading to all!

1 comment:

Emily said...

ok, I'll go first! I read this back when it was first assigned. I liked it and felt like I was discovering who David was the same time as he was discovering who he was. I did NOT like that he found his mom at the end.. seemed way too convenient! which is why this was shelved in the kids section, not in the grown up section. I have not seen the movie but will if I get the chance.

So, I was skimming through it again today to prepare to write a little bit. I was struck by the fact that he was on a journey. He had his compass, he had a general destination (Denmark) and was very strict with holding to the rules so he didnt' get off course, which would have been fatal. It is like our lives, right? Only difference is how much do you trust the person who gave you the instructions? He didn't know whether or not to trust the man. We have to decide who we trust- our parents, the prophets, etc.

I thought it was interesting that only after he broke his compass he started to pray.

I thought it interesting that he was so grateful for the smallest of things- soap, for example.

And there were several comments about THINKING. He states that thinking is dangerous in the camp, but then when he acts too hastily and runs across the road he says he should never do anything without thinking. When you are free it is necessary. He talks about how he learns more words for things it makes you be able to think better. (before he didn't have a concept about good/beautiful/nice/lovely. it was just bad or not bad). In the end he comes to the conclusion that you should do what you know to be right.

I also was struck by his first run in with his conscience- when he sees the baby and is horrified at how tiny and helpless it is. I have also been struck in the middle of the night about how innocent, tiny and helpless my kids are and I am entrusted to take care of them, teach them right from wrong and protect them. A big responsibility!

Ok! thats the ramblings of a sleep deprived new mother. I really liked this book. Did anyone else read it? Care to share?? :)

Who has next pick and what will we read?

thanks, Stephanie!