Saturday, February 04, 2006

Oh my ganache!

Hey everyone

So last night I saw that movie called The Producers with Matthew Prodwick and it was SO BAD! Have any of you seen it? It was really outragous and weird and I like that kind of stuff but the whole things was SOOOOO sexual and HOMOsexual. It was NOT good. Pushing it way too far. It was weird, too, because I invited two of my friends and one thought it was lame, like I did, and the other liked it. Strange stuff.

Anyway, Scott's 31st was Thursday and we has a lot of fun and after 1 failed attempt to make a cake I baked this Martha Stewart chocolate cake with ganache. End results: Cake: too dry and brick-like because I used regular flour instead of CAKE flour; I didn't know there was a difference. Now I know, duh. BUT the ganache, YUMMY!! It was SOOOOO good and that part really wasn't the hard part. I want to make it again and use a different chocolate cake recipes (probably this one Steph loves. Put the recipe on here, Steph.) but the same ganache concoction. Delish!! Here's this ganache recipe for all who's interested.

4 c. heavy cream (oh, so this is a low-fat recipe, huh? :))
2 lbs. semi-sweet chocolate, either chopped fine or chips
1/4 c. light corn syrup
1/4 tsp salt

Bring cream to a boil. Take off heat and add chocolate till melted and well incorporated. Blend in syrup and salt. For 2 9" circular chocolate cakes, divide ganache into two bowls. Let cool for 40 minutes, stirring frequently. To one half, when completly cooled whip for 5-7 minutes (I did the full 7, maybe because of my high altitude). Spread a thick layer of the whipped ganache on one top of cake. Top with the other 9" cake and spread more whipped ganache on top of that all on all sides. I like this nice and thick. Smooth everything really well. Let cool in fridge for 30 minutes. Then put cake on a cooling rack with a cookie pan underneth and pour the unwhipped ganache over the entire cake letting it ooze over the sides and covering the cake completely. Refridgerate for another 30 minutes then chow down!

There it is. Anyway, even thought I messed up a bit it came out okay and I guess that's what learning how to do stuff is all about; trying over and over again.


1 comment:

DarkChocolateDaily said...

Looks delicious Kathy! Always fun to get better acquainted with culinary chemistry. I can't wait!

Love you.