Thursday, March 02, 2006

new book

I have been not checking out blog lately and I've missed a lot!!! I liked everyone's comments about 'I am David'. I never read it, but now I really want to! If I'm in charge of picking a book, I'll choose Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini. Has anyone read it? If no one has, let's read that.

I hope everyone is well and good. I'm a little stressed and a little too busy (mostly because I'm disorganized!), but basically well and good. Love to you!


DarkChocolateDaily said...

Great comments and suggestions. Might I offer a soft veto on Kite Runner? I made it some pages in and stopped at some graphic parts - abusive scenes - tried to push through again only to encounter a rape scene. I returned it unfinished to the person from whom I borrowed it. I'm sure it has richness and value. I couldn't stomach some parts though. I found "Reading Lolita in Tehran" approachable, still illustrative of current and important issues, and particularly interesting since it deals with a day in the life of women of Islam.

Kathy said...

If that's the way the book is, I agree with Nanc-. That kind of stuff really stays with me and freaks me out when I watch it on tv. I'm sure it would be that much worse if I were reading it. I'm already reading the Lolita in Tehran and I enjoy it. Very intersting. It's for my ward's book club.

Tina, I hear you are crazy busy. I hope that you're hanging in there but, hello!, I think that you are VERY organized! But I haven't seen you in a while. :)As long as you are enjoying what you are doing!