Friday, April 21, 2006

some random stuff

Hey Everyone!
I just got the "About A Boy" book in the mail yesterday, finally. I ordered it awhile ago. Anyway, I read the first 5-6 pages and it seems pretty cool. I think that I'll like it.

Also, I made this Italian Panettone bread that we had during Christmas in Argentina. It's a tall sweet bread (I baked it in a #10 can with parchment) with rasins and other dried fruit. (There are alot of Italians in Argentina). I was so excited it came out and tasted very yummy...actually addicitive. I CAN'T STOP EATING! Funny thing, though, it called for 2 whole eggs and 2 egg yolks and after I baked the bread and was eating it I figured out that I put in the 2 whole eggs and 2 egg WHITES instead of the yolks...ummm. Any guesses as to why it was still okay and yummy? I don't know. But it was fun to make. I would like to make it around Christmas time.
So that was fun.

Also, I went to a get togther at a friend's of mine and we had a salad lunch. Everybody brought a salad and shared the recipe. YUMMY and very fun! I liked the idea. I made that cabbage and chicken salad of Stephanie's. Everybody loved it!

What else? Well, my hair color is gradually coming out. So I think I'm gonna go back to blonde. I liked the red but I still think I'm a blonde (or at least blondish)

Hope all is well.


happytape! said...

i love your blond hair because it looks so natural! i'm sure i'd like red too, but it's hard to voice a preference since i've only seen that one picture. i just know i always love your really blond, blondness.

the egg yolks would have just made it richer. the egg whites are pretty flavorless and are usually just used to lighten things up by whipping them and folding them into something....but if you just blend them into a batter instead of yolks, the bread would be about the same texture, just a little less rich. that thing sounds quite tasty!

What does Chau mean? I thought it was Ciao or something like that. Are you talking about Chow? If so, I'm a little insulted. It's not like I'm ALWAYS eating.

happytape! said...

i forgot to mention that there's a lot of swearing in 'about a boy'. brittish swearing and american swearing, if you consider the f-word swearing (haha). it's a good book though, if you aren't offended by the bad language. just be prepared.

Kathy said...

You're funny Tina. I guess the two whole eggs made the bread okay. But, man, it's pretty rich as it is. Some do call it a cake, though, so next time I'll do it the correct way.

"Chau" is how the spelled "Ciao" in Argentina. I'm not lying! So since I have ties there I stick with chau.

A friend of mine said the same thing about the book; lots of swearing. But she really liked it, better than the movie. So I'm looking forward to it.


Stepi said...

Well, I would like some of that bread. It sounds tasty but I couldnt make it since my family is so dang picky with bits in things. They are a bit-less bunch as of now.

Erin has been in town since Jimmy Smith is finally getting married. He is 41! We are going to the reception tonight. Anyway, Erin is a very satisfying person to feed since she loves to eat! It was fun. Yesterday she came over and I took her to TJ's. I made her Zuchini Soup (which is the best soup in the entire world and I'm not kidding). We had some delicious crusty bread and tempua shrimp sushi from TJ's. It was a very yummy lunch and was just fun to hang out. Why do I love food so much? It's crazy.

That's one reason I am putting off a 4th kid. All the giving up sugar and white carbs while pregnant makes me very sad at first. It's like losing a good friend and I don't know how to fill my time. Pretty stupid!

Gotta run!
PS I love my sisters!!!

Kathy said...

You love food because you make it soooo good! I tell everyone that my big sisters can kick you big sisters' far as cooking goes. I just went to TJ's today and got some of that toothpaste, I really like it. It makes my teeth feel like they are polished. And some wassabi peas for us to try.. WOW very strong! We also got some hummus...mmmm....hummus. Hope you have fun at the reception and you get lots of good food!

ps Scott is watching "The Office" from Thursday night and this is his THIRD time and he's still laughing at everything! What a nut!

happytape! said...

Is it the American "The Office"? I haven't seen that yet and I really need to. The British one is hilarious!

Kathy, you should make some hummus. It's soo easy! And much cheaper to make than buy. I love it! Stepi, I worship food as much as you do! I love thinking about it and talking about it and planning it and making it. MMMMMM! It's a curse!

Steph, how fun that Erin has been there for so long! Are her kids all healthy and fine? How is she? Has Jimmy NEVER been married? That's unbelievable. Is he the 41 year old virgin? (dumb joke...)

Have a good weekend!
My kids are out catching worms for pets. Delightful.

Kathy said...

It is the American "Office" and we love it! So funny! It's just like the British one, or so I've heard. We have all of them on burned DVD's (3 DVDs) Maybe we'll bring them to Cali.

And I don't this your 41 yr old virgin joke was dumb because I was totally gonna say something, too, but decided against it. 40 years is a long time, especially for a guy!

Stepi said...

Erins kids are great. Her little girl, Marion, who had the tumor is beautiful and healthy. No problems. She still gets checked once a year though.

Jimmys reception was really wonderful. His sisters did all the food and it was a full meal buffet. Tri tip, bbq chicken, some other meat, rice, potatoes, rolls. But the very best part was this huge beautiful display of really delicious salads and fruits. They had pasta salads, several green salads. The one I had had almonds and dried cranberries and tiny chunks of apple. They also had that delicious "frog eyed salad" that is a staple in the Smith home. Have you ever had that? I will make it when you are here. Anyway, I could go on.

Yes, it is his only marriage and hers too. She is 34. They were so dreamy and cute. He sang "I love you trully" and it was imperfect but perfect too! It was so sweet it brought tears to everyone's eyes. It was a really nice night!