Wednesday, April 05, 2006

This and That

Ok... I am becoming completely fashion illiterate! I went to Crossroads last week and ended up buying a few things (which I DID try on!). I ended up hemming the pair of pants and now I realize they are kind of too big... sort of baggy on my hips and pouchy in the crotch area. Not the most flattering. I also bought a cute little shirt that seemed fine in the store but now has become too small at home. I can not return the shirt since I am only allowed I think 5 days to return and time is up! I am a major dork. I need help and I am not kidding!!! It seems that all my favorite clothes that I wear have been the same ones I've been wearing for about three years now and they are looking pretty sad and old. Ugg... what's a fat poochy 35 year old mom to do?

On a different note... have any of you seen 13 Going on 30? I saw it last week and thought it was pretty funny!


Emily said...

I always hate my clothes.. I'll be honest, ever since i have had to wear g and can't wear my shorter skirts and tights i pretty much hate my clothes. Too bad that has been the last 14 years.

I keep hoping someone will nominate me for 'what not to wear' but it hasn't happened yet

I'm having a big issue with these styles of the prairie skirts and belts over the tshirts- reminds me of 8th grade, i just can't do it

Kathy said...

Okay Steph

I LOVED 13 going on 30!! Such a cute movie! I like those types that revisit the 80's and 90's cuz I'm semi-familiar with that time period.

Also, I'm wearing a shirt combo that I wore when Jake was born. My styles have stuck somewhere and now I'm totally uncool (not that I was really cool before) I am listening to Oprah about how it's popular to be a "stupid" girl now and wear scanky stuff. So can I call my lack of style a boycott of all scankiness? I would like to think so but I think that's just a cop out.:)

Stepi said...

You guys are awesome for leaving comments!!! Today I went shopping at Ross (b-day $$) and got a little sheer two layer skirt and top to go with it. I also got some little sandels with heals--more of a risk for me. I just noticed that there is a tiny snag in the skirt so I may exchange it for the same skirt. Anyway, it was at least good to make it out of the store with something. I figured I should start with Sunday clothes because I am so dang sick of all my church stuff. I'll take a picture of my new ensamble (sp) when I wear it. But I've never put a picture up here before....

Kathy said...

Steph, putting photos isn't hard but it took me awhile to figure it out. So when you want to post a photo start the same way you post just text. There is a little icon of a photo by a check spelling icon and an icon that looks like an eraser. Click on that then "browse" for you photo. It's easy from there. Good luck can't wait to see your new duds!

happytape! said...

your new clothes sound cute. i'm old and need to go shopping too, but i never can find anything i like or that i know i'll really wear. i want to be comfortable, to look perfect, and to be hip. usually, i'm just comfortable.

i went thrift shopping today and found some hip t-shirts, a coat, a purse, and a denim jacket. i think i'm really making a statement.

go to rampage for some cute skirts that are always marked down about a million %. i have some that i wear for sundays and everyday (dressed down with flip-flops.)

happytape! said...

p.s. you could get a t-shirt that says 'i was voted best-dressed in high school'. wouldn't that make you cool again??