Monday, April 24, 2006


Since Friday, my family has had several tragedies. The first was Friday night at Lila's piano recital, Adam ate a cookie with peanuts in it. We freaked out, had our epipen (the shot) ready, and were very nervous. But, he had no reaction at all. We were very relieved and we're getting him re-tested later this month.

The second tragedy was Saturday. Davis almost choked to death. He was alone in the bathroom and had a piece of parade candy (huge ISU parade that morning) in his mouth. He started choking on it, couldn't talk, couldn't breath, but he didn't come out of the bathroom so no one had any idea about it. He didn't know he should come get help. So he sat there choking to death while I was cluelessly chatting it up with my friend. Before he passed out, he said a prayer and immediately threw up. He lived. He came out of the bathroom looking as white as any human could look, but I was so glad he didn't pass out first. I really felt blessed.

The third tragedy was today. Steph, right after I got off the phone with you, I got in a car accident. I was driving on a four lane road through an intersection and a couple driving on the street I was crossing ran a red light. They hit me on the driver's side on the very front of my car. I got out and they said 'our light was green' when I absolutely saw that mine was still yellow as our cars collided. Luckily there were a few witnesses who stopped and verified that they ran the red light. And luckily, I swerved away from them and slowed down quite a bit before we crashed so no one was hurt and my car was still drivable. Their car was not.

The fourth tragedy was that Davis accidentally slammed Adam's hand in the car door.

Adam and Davis were saying that we've been really unlucky lately with all our disasters, but Berrett said, and I agree, that we've been the luckiest family in the world. We've had 3 potentially life-threatening events happen in the last 4 days and we're all walking around just fine. I think God is looking out for us.


Kathy said...

Wow, Tina, all that stuff is crazy. I can't believe it all! That is so good that Berrett is looking at everything as a blessing. You and your kids will probably remember these few days for the rest of their lifes. I would probably be getting a cold sore. (When I get stressed out I get cold sores.) Well, I'm very happy that you are the luckiest family in the world!!!!

DarkChocolateDaily said...

Tina! What scary events. You were certainly watched over. Hope you are/have recovered well. Love you!

Stepi said...

Wow! What a really strange weekend that was! I'm happy everyone is ok and nothing to serious happened. Don't you just feel blessed when things like that happen?