Thursday, June 22, 2006

Cousins Camp Schtuff

Is there a portable crib available for use? Highchair? Baby gate? I guess I have to bring my carseat or I think I can rent one from the car rental place. Trying to figure this all out and remembering how much of a pain it is to travel with young-uns.


Kathy said...

I know that mom has at least one port-a-crib. If she only has one we'll bring ours so no worries there. We are also bringing a little folding highchair thing the clips onto a table or the bar. I don't think mom has one of those. Steph do you have another highchair? Of course we could both use what we will bring. I'm pretty sure there's no baby gate though. Maybe we could buy an inexpencive (I feel bad using the word "cheap" in reguards to the safety of my babe, but cheap is good too) gate and just leave it there for future use. Steph do you have any of this stuff to borrow?

Stepi said...

Well, I have a porta crib but I will probably have to use it so Nan and Robert can stay here. (someone will have to sleep in Sasha's room, so we will put her in our room.) However, Courtney (Coop) lives next door to mom and she most likely has one we can borrow. I also have two little high chair like things that strap to a regular chair that can be used. Mom also has a sort of walker like thing that we used to feed Sasha in that works too. I'm not sure about a gate. I believe I have an old one. but hey, I just remembered we have this really sturdy bed guard (that kept Gretta from falling out)that we used in front of a doorway to keep Sasha in our front room. That might work. But where do you want to use it or a gate?

Emily said...

Max is obsessed with our stairs. Everytime I turn around he is climbing the carpet mountain.

That is the only place I can think of that might be a problem. When we forget to put the gate up he zooms up as far as he can before we catch him. When we do put the gate up he is there trying to get past it

Sounds like highchair sitchiation is taken care of

Kathy said...

I was thinking the stair too. Sam is really starting to move around. Probably not as much as Max but the gate would be handy

Stepi said...

I saw a good idea one time! Someone said to put the gate two or three stairs up so that the kid could get practice but also so they would not be so obsessed about getting around the gate.
I think my gate still works, but we would have to figure out how to adjust it!

happytape! said...

i don't think that's how you spell porta-crib.

or sitchiation.


Emily said...

I'm speaking gangsta, dawg


Stepi said...

You guys make me laugh. I totally got the gangsta slant. I'm down wi' tit!

happytape! said...

we certainly don't say 'tit' on this blog! what has become of my seestors?