Friday, June 16, 2006

Max is a busy boy. This week he has learned to crawl up (and fall down) the stairs (only 3 that time, lucky for us) and fell off the bed (see the black eye?), was eating dirt out of the tree, and I didn't stop to take a photo when he grabbed the steak knife out of the dishwasher. He keeps us on our toes, alright


Kathy said...

These photos are HALLARIOUS!! That dirt thing just happened to us this week too! Big ol' fist full of dirt right in the pie hole! I guess that helps with the digestive system...well, I hope it does. Sam has not got a black eye, though! Did you freak out when that happened? He is much bigger than our Sam. Our Sam is also learning to protect himself...from his brother! Jake does sneaky things like steals toys, shoves, hits and anything else he can get away with when I'm not looking. But usually they are okay with eachother.
FUN PHOTOS!! Thanks, Emily!

happytape! said...

Poor little kid! A black eye is just so pitiful. Adam and Davis have both had black eyes and I've always felt self concious by judgmental moms at the grocery store who think (or might think!) that I've beaten my kids.

But getting into the plant and dishwasher make him look a little less pitiful and a little more like mr. trouble.

He's soo cute!!
I can't wait to hold his big beefiness!

Stepi said...

Love the photos! What a handsome little guy! Do Abby and Zach just love him or does he (Max) get into their stuff?

Sasha had a pretty nice purple eye last year along with a nice gash she got on our headboard. Lots of unsolicited comments on that one!uggg...

Emily said...

I was a little worried about the black eye because we had a doctors appt on Wed- but I just fess'ed up ("his dad let him fall off the bed!")

He is into everything.. today when helping with Nick's breakfast in bed he helped by spilling the syrup

I've started a collection of "things removed from Max's mouth" (scrapbook page coming soon) including a penny, marble, pink bead, little gemstones and leaves.

Emily said...

Oh, sheesh.. fell off the bed AGAIN today- I was RIGHT THERE and he slipped right past me. Add bloody nose to the weekly total

happytape! said...

you need a picture of that! don't you feel aweful when you are within reach? I hate that!

Nick is lucky to get breakfast in bed! I bet the syrup made him very happy.

Stepi said...

When Sasha was about three months old Gretta told me she ate a paperclip! But actually Gretta fed her one! I checked her mouth and all around her but found nothing so I thought Gretta was joking... until the next day when changing a poopy diaper. I found a lime green plastic coated paperclip right between her little bum cheeks!! yikes.

I to hate when they fall right by you. It makes you feel terrible (But your not!)

Emily said...

I took a picture.. more evidence for child protective services I guess. His little nose is all red and scraped up. My computer and camera aren't communicating right now but I"ll try to add it later. He is so smiley and cute and looks like he's been in a baby fight club

Kathy said...

Does the Baby Fight Club movie have Brad Pitt in it? :)