Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Nacho Libre

Hey! Who wants to see Nacho Libre together at Cousins' Camp? Anyone? Or is it just me and Scott? It's rate PG so anyone could come...from what I gather. Anyone...anyone...Bueller....Bueller?


Emily said...

I'll see if I can stand to see it again.. my dad wanted me to see it with him! I think we will go this weekend. He never goes to see any movies so it is a strange request.

It got bad reviews but I don't see how it can be bad.. just the big red underpant costume cracks me up everytime

happytape! said...

berrett is dying to see it, so i'm betting we'll see it before cc. i'll totally go twice though! i love the underpants too! i'm sure i'll love it!!

DarkChocolateDaily said...

I'm game!

Kathy said...

Well, it might be kinda nice if a few of you see if before hand. Maybe the rest of us will say yea or nay to it according to what you say. So if you do see it, tell us what you think!

Stepi said...

I'm in! I love going to the movies! I think this guy is pretty funny.

Stepi said...

ps... does he were the underpants through the whole movie? I don't know if I can handle that!!

happytape! said...

it looks like he also wears some sweet light blue polyester dance pants too.

when you say 'you love this guy' are you talking about jack black or jared hess? me likey jared hess.

happytape! said...

I saw Nacho Libre tonight and I loved it! There was one part where I was laughing to tears! Seriously! It was pretty funny overall, but for some reason this one part killed me! I can see that it's not for everyone, that you either hate it or love it. I really loved it! Great music! Great accents! Seriously hilarious! I think you'll like it because you seem to laugh at the same jokes I do (maybe you're just being polite?). Let me know what you think.

Kathy said...

Okay! Now I TOTALLY want to see it! And I know Scott will too! This will be very fun! Scott left for his business trip to Kazatstan this morning :(. Tomorrow, I'm having a slumber party with one of my friends who's husband is also out of town so that should be fun!