Tuesday, August 01, 2006

More mucho MOCHI, merci!

DON'T LIE!! You know you want some!!

I thought of our are Mochi Japanese ice cream experience the other day when I was at Trader Joes. So I'm getting a few things and I pass this Asian women with her son and lo and behold!, she has like literally 10 or 12 boxes of Mochi in her cart and nothing else!! I thought it was so funny! She must have been having a part-e or something. Anyway, I guess some one DOES buy those squishy-icky thingies.

Want to know more? Here's a link: Mochi Read on because people really do die eating the stuff.

Anything funny with you guys?


happytape! said...

that is hilarious! that was the funniest dessert experience I've ever had! i can still feel that first gag!

but don't they look delicious in the photo?

Stepi said...

Ok... I know they are not delicious but are they really the worst desserts you have ever eaten?

Stepi said...

PS I think the mint leaf in the pics adds that little extra touch, don't you?

happytape! said...

they aren't the worst dessert ever, but the whole experience was just funny! i totally misunderstood that nancy didn't like them so when i took my first bite the texture was all weird and i was laughing and it was just really funny. i was expecting something really delicious and it turned out to be this gummy oddness that i could barely swallow. very funny memory!

Stepi said...

It makes me laugh every time I think of it too!! They are pretty gross but I have eaten a few of them. After looking at the link about them I do get a little gag feeling...especially when it says that people die every year from eating them!! Is the gooey goodness really worth risking their lives???