Wednesday, September 06, 2006

princess cake

I made that recipe for the Princess cake and here's what I've discovered:

The marzipan is delicious! I substituted a little amaretto for the water, but everything else I left the same and I loved it! It's not as alcohol-y as the one at Etoire's, but it's tasty. I ate way too much of it, pinch by pinch.

The pastry cream calls for way too much corn starch. It gets way too thick! I added a lot of cream to thin it down, but it was still pretty custard-y. I'd cut the corn starch in half! It also wasn't sweet enough. I added quite a bit of sugar, thinned it a bit, and then it was good. (Not fantastic. but it was good.)

The whipped cream is just delicious, as always.

My cakes were NOT good. I think I cooked them too long and they got too dry. I don't know if they'd be good if they were baked better, but I'm not going to try that genoise recipe again. I have some other ones and I'll try one of those.

So, overall, this recipe has potential, but the cakes really made mine bad. I like all the other components so I'm going to give it another shot (in a month or two--not today!!) with a different cake recipe.

p.s. I didn't using the soaking syrup.


Emily said...

hasn't anyone tried the pigs&twinkies recipe? We can try it while you are here!

Stepi said...

Oh Emily... have patience with us foodies! ;0)

When I worked at Tarts and Truffles and in those cake books I have, they put the soaking syrup on EVERYTHING!! I think that is because it is very difficult to make a delicious cake that is sturdy enough to move around and cut thin enough for many layers. Even on the fancy cake contests on FoodTV, they brush liquid on the layers. I always think their cakes are way too browned. Maybe the syrup is a chef's way of faking a good cake! anyway, I am impressed you tried it.

Today I made a very pretty and yummy fruit tart for a lunch we had for my friend who just adopted from China. It was delicious. I could use some leftovers right now if there were any left to be had! darn.

Kathy said...

That's so cool that you made that recipe, Tina. Those are some good tips, too. We'll also have to make those pigs & Twinkies too! Hot Dog! We have a wiener!