Monday, October 30, 2006


If you are like me, you keep checking our blog only to see Run, Mitt, Run as the top post. Though I don't have a lot to say, I am posting to say hi to you sweet, sweet girls and to make our blog less stagnant. I wish I had something to say.

Here are some links to some of my favorite blogs or sites. Now you can click here instead of just looking at the Run, Mitt post.

karin ericksson
design sponge
carrotbox (ring fest)
claudine helmuth (collage)
lynn whipple (collage) time machine 2 (this shows all of today's listings)

See how I spend my time???

Love you all!


Stepi said...

Yippee! I laughed when I read your post because I too, check the blog daily and nothing is new and I don't really have much to say so... I just keep checking! I love your links. I am suprised at how many beautiful blogs and websites there are out there. But they always make me feel somewhat whistful and sad. I am not making anything and its been a long while since I have. and I want to. It seems as if my day has come and gone in an instant and I am often wondering what do I have to show for it?

I wish I had a house cleaner. I heard a radio show the other day where people where calling in with some of there secrets. One lady called and said that her husband did not know she had a house cleaner! I wish I had that secret!

happytape! said...

that's an awesome secret! i want that secret too!

i'm so glad someone responded to my post! i was thinking, 'maybe i'm the only one who keeps checking this'--and that makes me pathetic!!

don't worry about not making things right now. when your kids are older you'll have more time. they'll never be young again and you'll totally miss these days then. and you can start making something today, and work on it a little at a time and before you know it, you'll have a pile of stuff! (speaking from my jewelry making experience of late--i have my first jewelry show for this season this weekend, so I have a ton of stuff.)

Stepi said...

You should post a few items for my friend Lori Stoeltzing to buy. She is always asking me becuase she really likes what I have. Anyway, we want to see any new stuff you have because we love it!!

happytape! said...

Thanks! I'll post pictures soon.