Monday, December 25, 2006

my new book!


enjoying my new enamel book, at the expense of everything else!

we had a perfect day! my kids loved every moment! the mess was eventually cleaned up.


Stepi said...

TINA!!! I just looked at this awesome pic close up and I loved your shelves full of fun things... then I realized you have one of my prints up!!!!! I didnt even recongize it at first. I feel so honored. Thank you! It gave me a little boost of energy!

happytape! said...

did you notice the hangy thing off the center of the left shelf? that is this cute little snowball puff strand that is actually a christmas 'ribbon' thing. i notice it everytime i look at the picture and i think it's pretty funny.

doesn't your print look great in that frame?? i love it! you should see all your pottery in my kitchen! i always get compliments!!

Stepi said...

I just thought it was some sort of decoration. Does it not belong there regularly?

Also, I love the metal rings hook thing (is there a better word than "thing"?). Did you make that?

What pottery do you have?

Kathy said...

It's so funny to see all that after Christmas mess. I also love all that stuff on your wall. I need some cool stuff. Where's MY cool stuff? :)