Thursday, January 25, 2007

Gruesome Girlie

What glamour shots, eh? So these are not lovely in the least but I had to show you all my terrible allergy to penicillin. I had a sinus infection, which I have never had before, so they gave me amoxicillin, which I have never had before either. It causes diarrea and, well, I practicly passed out from that on one night while on the medication. Then after 7 days of amoxicillin I woke up with dots all over my neck...hey, wait! All over my body! I went to the dr and no more amoxicillin or penicillin now I'm on allergy medicine. This morning was even worse so you get to witness it. I'm itchy all over! Even my head! Well, now I know I have to mark the box that indicated an allergy to penicillin.


Emily said...

Oh, snap! That looks itchy!

happytape! said...

wow! i didn't even recognize you! that looks miserable! i hope the new meds make your itchiness go away! do you still have a sinus infection?

Stepi said...

Oh Kathy!! That is terrible! It is way worse than it sounded like on the phone. I hope it goes away quickly!!!

Kathy said...

By the yesterday afternoon I was 10x worse than these pictures! Now it looks like a sunburn, more pink than my skin color, no tiny spots, just big patches of pink itchiness. Today it's still the same but I do think it's fading and the bumps aren't as raised up as they have been. I hope it goes away soon! :(