Monday, March 26, 2007


last week i made some foods that made me soo happy! right now i'm planning my meals for this week and can't think of anything! but, if you want to be happy, make these things:

lemon sherbet: (1 c. lemon juice, 1 c. sugar, 1 1/2 cup half-n-half, 1/4 heavy cream, zest of 1 lemon [if you feel like it.] warm the lemon juice just a titch and disolve the sugar in it, then add the rest of everything, then freeze in a ice cream maker....)
olive bruschetta (good ciabata or bagette with slices of parmesan, provelone, and calamata olives.)
shrimp scampi
italial merengue buttercreme frosting on anything (damn!!)
fresh tomato soup
baked brie with walnuts and dried sour cherries (damn, again!)

that's all i can remember LOVING, but i think there's something missing. i'll be thinking.

what did you love to eat last week? (then why don't you marry it! haha! i totally got you!)


Kathy said...

That is all much more high class than what I normally make even more so last week because Scott was out of town with work so we were having leftovers, baby! And fast food stuff. BORING!

happytape! said...

when berrett is gone for dinner (which isn't often), i love having scrambled eggs and toast for dinner. or peanut butter sandwiches. it's nice to not cook sometimes.

last night i made these veggie pannini sandwiches that were soo tasty! i sauteed red onions and zucchini first. i added some sliced red peppers, some vermont cheddar cheese, salt and pepper (lots) and the onion/zucchini combo on some good bread....then i squished it all to death in the pannini thing. soo tasty. we had it with creamy mushroom soup, but it was a little too rich for me. (maybe i was a too full from all the girl scout cookies and easter candy i had been snacking on as i was preparing my dinner. hmm...)

Stepi said...

I have been so so boring in my meals lately. It always seems last minute and L-A-M-E. For example tonight we had fruit, french toast and eggs. But we also had meatballs with it so Jonah could have more protien, not just a bunch of carbs. crazy, huh?

Last week we did have my favorite zuchini soup, artichokes and TJ's flat bread w/ olive oil, cheese and turkey with italian seasonings then broiled. fast and good!