Monday, March 12, 2007

Music and Lyrics

Well, the other day I took a little walk down memory lane. All three kidlets were sick and I began to go a little crazy from staying home. So I left. I went out with my friend Stacy to the movies. We saw Music and Lyrics with Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant. It was pretty entertaining and funny especially if you too are a product from the 80’s. The opening credits are actually a video of Hugh’s “80’s band” hit song and it was hilarious—bad hair, tight pants and ridiculous choreographed dance moves. The movies end was the same video but with pop up bubbles like MTV’s Pop up Video Show. Once again, really funny. But this was only the beginning of memory lane.

Once I got home from the movies, while talking to Vaughn, an infomercial came on for a TimeLife music collection. The hosts were no other than two rather old looking guys known as Air Supply and they were pushing this 70’s Soft Rock collection that they said no one could live with out. We thought it was funny so we watched for awhile. We could not believe that we knew pretty much EVERY SINGLE SONG!!!! There were just a couple that I had not heard! How is that possible?

Some of the big bands—Air Supply (of course, they were the hosts after all) The Cars, Chicago, America, Foreigner, Meatloaf, Styx and others.

Ahh…Styx, Paradise Theater. Sitting for hours listening in Nick’s room, and looking at this interesting album cover. I still know most of the words. Don’t you remember that?

But the song I remember loving and I mean LOVING watching on Friday Night Video (or a video Nick taped) was Bonnie Tyler’s hit Turn Around! Just a little kept secret I remembered thanks to Timelife hits. What’s not to love about “every now and then I fall apart…and I need you more tonight …and I’ll need you more forever….and if you only hold my tight… I’ll be holding on forever.” Come on! What is not to love? I remember even getting teary eyed at the beauty of it!

How does this happen? One day your sitting on your brother’s bed listening to his oh, so popular music and the next day you’re married, have three children and are reminiscing over songs you didn’t even like or you didn’t even know you knew. I turn thirty-six this month. I don’t remember turning into a grown up.


happytape! said...

i love nights like that!

steph, i think the lyrics are: 'and i need you more tonight...and i need you more than ever!...and if you only hold me tight...i'll be holding on forever!' (have you seen that commercial with the guys who get 'rock the casbah' lyrics all wrong?)

kathy, i totally remember re-cranking that electric dreams soundtrack. so awesome! steph, do you remember studying the beatles sgt. pepper and the red albumn? what about the talking heads? and, i always think of nick when i hear the jam. and devo. and the english beat. and totally, totally with madness. i should have written that first.

does anyone (besides nick) remember joe wilhelm everytime you hear hotel california?

does anyone remember listening to billy joel glass houses when i was in like 5th/6th grade?

styx was 7th grade for me. do you remember journey? styx and journey go together in my mind.

does anyone remember me playing 'you light up my life' on the piano? i feel like i played that song TO DEATH!! i hope someone remembers!!

ah, now i miss everyone. you must all go buy the decemberists so we can listen and love together across the country!! i can't get enough of them! seriously. i'm loving picaresque, the crane wife, and her majesty. do you want me to send you a cd?

happytape! said...

what are you all listening to today?

Stepi said...

I didn’t think I was getting the lyrics completely right but you got the idea! I remember loving Billy Joel and weeping to your “you light up my life” record while listening to it with giant headphones on. I still remember the words to many songs from that album…. Something about adrift on the water…. Finally a chance to say hey I love you…

Don’t you remember playing the Young and the Restless theme as well on the piano?

I loved Electric Dreams and the Beatles goes without saying. My kids love the red album now too. I just recently heard an English Beat song… totally Nick and the Ramones always remind me of Tina and Nick.

I would love some new music since I am sadly stuck in the past. The only new stuff I have is old and from Nancy… stuff like Nora Jones and Dave Matthews Band. Vaughn got me a recent U2 cd and its pretty good.

But I could definitely use some hippin’ up. I got an ipod for Christmas and I am embarrassed to say I have not used it yet. There is nothing even on it yet. Am I so lame or what?

Stepi said...

Oh, one more thing. Two days ago I saw a license plate that said I"heart"jrny, and the little plastic thing around the plate said, I'd rather be at a journey concert. Pretty funny!

happytape! said...

i love my ipod!! you have to load it up, steph. it's great for soo many things! my favorite time to listen is while i'm working on jewelry. it totally gets me in the mood.

who hearts jrny? that is WEAK! did you know that steve perry is from fresno? yes, yes he is.