Thursday, April 05, 2007

Summer, Summer, Summer

Well it is spring break around here which means my kidlets are home for three weeks!! Yeh! Yesterday I read a book laying in the front yard on our big beach mat for almost two and a half hours. It was so great. It makes me long for summer and then it also makes me dread school again. It almost tempts me to home school. The busy rush in mornings and hurrying to not be late--I could do without that. Anyway, it is just so spring-y here, I am loving it.

Did any of you look at Designmom yesterday? Her guest blogger talked about Southern Utah and I just really want to go there again. Kath and I talked awhile ago about going to Moab this month but things just didn't work out. There wasn't enough time to plan. I hope we can see at least some of everyone this summer. Darn.... I hate that we are all so far apart.


happytape! said...

i wish we lived closer to each other, too! i want to see everyone, every year! but it's completely impractical to think that i can go to sacramento, albuqurque, and DC every year. if we just all went to sacramento every year, it would work out. but, after last year, we just can't make that trip again yet.

shouldn't we just all come to ames every year?

Kathy said...

Hey Tina! Next year it's all AMES for you burpday! Remember? You guys are all up for that, si?

happytape! said...

i'd love it if that worked out, but of course, it's ok if it doesn't! with so many families involved, it might be tricky!

Emily said...

I think ya'll should come to DC. With 2 of the 5 siblings living in DC, how come we are always hauling ourselves cross country to Sacto?

Emily said...

I forgot to say we are on Spring Break too- we've had a lot of fun and it is bizarro that we have 2 80 degree days with squirt guns and water balloons and now it is 30 degrees and snowing tomorrow. What's up with that?

Abby woke up with both eyes swollen shut- what lovely easter photos we will have! Wearing our parkas! sheesh!

happytape! said...

emily, our weather is like that, too. we're FREEZING! i was very depressed yesterday.

why were abby's eyes swollen? poor kid.

i like to go to sacto to see mom and dad and the hromikos, plus we have the whole tahoe thing there. berrett has gone to tahoe since he was a kid, so that's important to him (and becoming important to my kids.) but, i'd love to go to DC!

Emily said...

I love Sacramento! I didn't mean that I don't... :0)

happytape! said...

I know, Emily. I didn't take it wrong! DC would still be very fun!!