Tuesday, May 08, 2007

No Impact

Hi ladies:

I've been following this blog for a while now. I find it more fascinating than anything and bien sûr thought provoking. LOVE to you!


Kathy said...

That is so funny that you have put this on here, Nanc-, because just yesterday I was talking to Stephanie about a video that Scott searched for on the internet.

I feel that the media it totally and completely 100% one-sided on "global warming". (quotations intended) If you disagree or even question it you are evil. That is bad. And science doesn't work that way. There are alway questions and theories that should be challenged. People are afraid to challenge global warming "science".

This video talks about that and the, dare I said, negative effects of pushing "global warming". It brought up things that I have never thought about. ie effects in Africa. It is over a hour long so you have to make time for it.

I don't feel like we should throw caution to the wind and use, use, use but I think that it is literally FRIGHTING that the other side of the story is NEVER told.

Watch it. Let me know what you think.


happytape! said...

what a great blog, nancy! i've been feeling all ecco-inspired all day!

DarkChocolateDaily said...

For sure!