Wednesday, June 27, 2007

fancy kids

davis and adam were in a wedding this weekend as a jr. groomsman and a ringbearer (lord of the ring.) didn't they look great?! their cousins, hunter, sadie, and josie were also in the wedding. it was really fun and the food was delicious!! (and isn't that all that matters?)


Kathy said...

Very nice!! Tuxes look so great on little boys...and on big boys, too! Who got married? And I don't see Lila. ?Donde esta, ella?

happytape! said...

ella es at home. she wasn't in the wedding, but she went to it and to the rehearsal dinner and reception, so she got to enjoy all the fun parts without having to stand for pictures and for the ceremony.

the wedding was for a girl we know from our ward. we've known their family for a long time, so they asked davis and adam to be in it. it was really fun.

Stepi said...

Fancy! They all look really nice. I think you should buy Adam a tux for Sunday.