Saturday, June 30, 2007


My kids were in plays at theater camp yesterday. Abby is a white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland (and had 2 solo songs- turns out she really has a pretty good voice). Zac is Webster, the Ugly Duckling's brother in Honk, Jr. Lots of big production dance numbers in that one. They will do another session at the end of the summer (everyone is invited!)


DarkChocolateDaily said...

Fantastic! They are so cute! Tell us when it is playing!

Kathy said...

I'm so impressed! It takes alot to get up in front of people and act or sing. I think I would have just been so nervous at that age I would've just got up there and cried! :) Very cool for them!

happytape! said...

How cool! They look great! How long was the program? Did they request it or did you just sign them up? I keep seeing fun things like that and I wonder if I should sign my kids up to see if they love it. Davis is doing a band thing and will play at a city concert with the community band. My other kids are just doing tae kwon do.

Stepi said...

How great! Your kids are so brave. I can't imagine my kiddos doing that. It was hard enough at Kindergarten graduation for Gretta. She didn't even sing on Mother's day at church in Sacrament meeting with the primary.

I am so impressed! I wish we could be there.

Kathy said...

Shouldn't this post be called "Supa Sta" in reverence to your look-alike, Emily? :)

Emily said...

I work at Adventure Theater for 4 weeks a summer (2 in June, 2 in August) so the kiddos are usually in one play or sometimes two. I've been working there since before Abby was born.

They get to go for free, otherwise we probably wouldn't get to do it because it is very expensive. But with them getting so much experience they are getting pretty good and starting to get good parts in the plays.

It is a fun camp to work at- on Monday we do auditions and cast the play- the kids find out their parts Tuesday. Then they practice for 2 weeks put on a play the following Friday.

I agree, I would have cried my eyes out (I still get nervous backstage ;0) but they do great.