Friday, August 17, 2007

Some of our photos

Man, that elk was soooo close. She must be used to people walking around. By the way, there was some dispute as to whether these animals were elks or moose (meese! hee, hee) and they are indeed elk NOT moose. I checked in out on the internet when I got home.
That same elk. Sam really loved Scott.
Some of the cuties chatting away. How sweet is that? I love how Adam's legs are crossed, like he's a adult in deep, serious conversation.
Okay, this just bugged! They called this BATHROOM a "comfort station"! Have ANY of you heard of a bathroom being referred as a "comfort station"? Who comes up with this stuff? Tina's campsite at one point was in front of this comfort station and I parked there for a while. You should note that under Tina's arm it says that the parking is just for the patrons of the comfort station. So I was parking there and some dude pulling out while I was getting stuff out of my van reminded me that the parking was for people at the comfort station. He actually used that term! And no, he a was NOT a rancher, just some dude camping like the rest of us. What a dork!
Regardless of that, camping was sooooo much fun!! We have to do it again! Speaking of that, Tina's 40th is next year. So we chatted about that and thought it would be fun to plan a couple nights at Camp Navuoo next year around that time (or at least during the summer). Remember us talking about how fun it would be to get together and do that awesome birthday thing that we did for Nick's b-day for all of us when we turn 40? What do ya'll think?


Emily said...

Was it comfortable at the comfort station? Most camping bathrooms- not so much. So I don't think it counts as a legitimate comfort station.

Kathy said...

You are 100% right! It doesn't count! But at least they were bathrooms instead of out houses. I'd almost rather pee out in the wilderness then in an out house. YUCK!

Stepi said...

Well, that looks so fun! I think Adam crosses his legs just like Berrett does!

I am all up for going to Camp Nauvoo next year. We are going next weekend for a ward campout. I will try and talk to the caretakers if I can to see how we can schedule it. It usually has to be later in the summer because of lots of girls camps. We will have to get Tina 40 things since she will be 40 big ones! Man!

Oh, maybe the guy at the comfort station was a Ranger not a rancher so that he felt he had some authority! :-)

happytape! said...

Steph, you ruined my birthday surprise! (My family always makes the 'oh, i said to much' joke, with a mexican accent, no less. I wanted to write that as my comment, but I'm pretty sure the hilarity of it would be lost in just text form. darn.)

adam does cross his legs like berrett. davis does, too. funny.

though i would have been fine calling it a restroom or a bathroom, it didn't provide rest and there was no tub. i guess if i would have seen 'comfort station' signs my whole life it wouldn't have seemed so wrong. but my society never taught me about no comfort stations.

and the comfort station parking enforcer certainly just wanted to use the term, don't you think?

Emily said...

I'm going to start calling my bathroom a comfort station. Where do you think I can get one of those signs?

Actually, maybe my couch and remote control is my comfort station.

No, I think my bed and bedside reading books. Especially if there is a little snack.

Hey, my whole house is full of comfort stations.

I think I need a lot of those little signs.

Stepi said...

I think we should start a new fad and whenever we go out to eat or a public place, we should ask where the comfort station is! I think it would catch on. Dont you?

I'm with is hard to just pick one comfort station at home. I would like larger comfort stations and I would also like a "Mom's only comfort station".

And I don't think I ruined the b-day surprise because that is part of the Nick tradition! Who knows what it will be? Maybe we could surprise you with 39 things? How's that?!

Emily said...

Maybe the surprise could be no presents! Would that surprise you? ;0)

Or 40 presents, but give them to someone else! How about me?

Kathy said...

You guys are all nuts!

And I think I should find a place that I can have 100's of "Comfort Station" signs for all of you and to sell! I'd make a million!

Stepi said...

Whoever made the stupid "Baby on Board" signs has a good thing going, so maybe "comfort station" signs would catch on!

I'll invest $10.00 to start you off Kath!

Stepi said...

Tina could buy each of us 40 gifts!! Hey, that's a great idea!

Kathy said...

So "yes" on Camp Nauvoo next summer?

happytape! said...

ha! i haven't checked these comments for days and they've really piled up! i love to picture tiny signs all over your house, emily. very funny!

i'd have to be very rich to buy each of you 40 presents! even lame ones!

kathy, i don't know if i'm ready to commit to camp nauvoo yet. it really depends on berrett's schedule and how much $ we'll be spending. let's decide in january or feb, ok?

Kathy said...

Reserving Camp Navuoo may have to be done soon. Steph, do you know about any of this? Were you able to talk to that lady?