Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Mystery Canyon craziness!

Here are a few photos of Scott and I doing what has got to be the scariest thing that I have ever done in my LIFE!!!!

Okay, not this picture, above. We went to Zion's and hiked/repelled (aka "canyoneering") Mystery Canyon. It's only about 6 miles but it took us about 12 hours to complete it. From 9 am to dark, 9 pm. We drove into Zion's at a high point and then hiked down ultimatly to a water fall and river. We went with 6 friends. Here's Adrienne and Dean with Scott and I.
This was our first repell: pretty short.
Scott on one of our repells. Look who thinks he knows so much!
A cool shot in the canyon. It is a different planet there!! Good thing Scott's parents were awesome enough to watch the boys! They'd be crying the whole time!...the boys, not Scott's parents. :)

There was a bunch of water that we would end up jumping in and getting totally wet. Most was beautiful and clear. THIS, on the other hand, WAS NOT. Sludge, yuck! Scott said he would step and bubbles would come up and they would STINK! Gross.
Does my smile look a little off? Well, it should because I was scared out of my mind!! Right behind me is our drop off that we had to repell off of. And I was very nervous!

Can you tell why I was mighty nervous?This is from the bottom of the drop. Look how high it is! That's Adrienne.
But we all survived! Even thought now I have lots of scratches and scraps and two huge bruises, one on my calf and one on my cheekie (not my face cheekie!). Here's Scott and I right after that big repell. Can you see the water behind? It was so pretty.

We had a great time! It really challenged us physically and mentally! Thanks to Sara, Jordon and Dean for helping us be so couragous!


Claire said...

Sorry to comment on your family blog, Kathy, but come on, surely you must admit it was I who helped you be so courageous, right?! As if. I'm glad we didn't hyperventilate together at the top of "the big one," or that Sara's dream of all of us falling off didn't come true! I definitely feel a closer bond to everyone after going through that together. Thanks for the great pics!

Anonymous said...

Kathy - you are so tough! WHat a woman! That drop looks crazy!!! Kudos to you! It sure looks like an amazing place!

Kathy said...

Claire, you can always leave feedback. And I too feel a strong bond. I guess running a million miles last year was a warm up. :)

Kerri, do you do this kind of stuff?

Emily said...

That looks amazing!

happytape! said...

kathy, you are so brave! that drop looks rediculously high! i'm impressed.

claire and kerri, we love your comments! isn't kathy the best??!

Stepi said...

I am always suprised when I see that other people look at our blog besides us!

Kathy, you are awesome! Vaughn could have never done that!! He is scared of heights. We went to this cave on Saturday (I'll blog about that later) and he was too scared to look down!

Anonymous said...

Kathy is the coolest! LOVE HER! Yes Kathy once upon a time I was not such a chicken! Jeff and I used to go repelling lots when we were dating and first married. I've become such a wimp though! We did go to moab this past spring and I was sort of tough but, no way near as you!

PS Kathy I need help what to make for people for Christmas. You always make the coolest things. I totally made your yummy cinnimon and applesauce ornaments last year for the fam. Email me or post some ideas!

Anonymous said...

PS again! Tina I LOVE your jewelry! It is so on my Christmas list for my honey to purchase!

Kathy said...

Hey if you are all interested in seeing more photos, my friend Claire has put a ton on her blog. I put a link on the right.

happytape! said...

kerri, i'm so happy to hear that! thank you!!