Saturday, September 29, 2007

THE OFFICE Season 4, yay!!

The Office is back!!! We had a great little premiere party on Thursday with some trivia (which, while writing it, I thought it was going to be too easy and it ended up being way to hard), food, chatting and of course, watching the season opener of our favorite show. Did you all watch? I like it mucho! I like the little hints of Jim and Pam's blossoming relationship. Although I wouldn't have minded had there been a smooch fest! :) Oh, well. Maybe that will be later in the season. What did you all think?

The Office Quiz Season 3- One Point per blank.

Your Total Score out of 33___________

Fill in the blanks

  1. Dwight: “First rule in roadside ________ sales, put the most attractive _______ on top. The ones that make you pull the car over and go ‘wow, I need this _______right now’. Those are the _______ ________.” (2 words)
  1. Michael: “We have a lot of angry customers out there; this puts us at threat-level ___________”.
  1. Michael: “No need for consternation, everything is under control. Jan: Michael, last Friday one of your employees attacked another employee in your office. Michael: It was a crime of passion Jan, not a disgruntled employee. Everyone here is extremely _____________.”
  1. Stanley: “I wake up every morning in a bed that’s too small, drive my daughter to a school that’s too expensive and then I go to work to a job for which I get paid too little. But on _____________? Well, I like ______ _________…” (2 words)

Who said this:

  1. “Dwight had a big personality and I have a big personality and a lot of times when two people like that get together it can be explosive.”_______________________.
  1. “Nog-a-sake. One part eggnog, three parts sake. Some places won’t make it for you though because eggnog is seasonal.”_________________
  1. “The only difference between me and a homeless man is this job. I will do whatever it takes to survive…like I did when I was a homeless man.”___________________
  1. ________: Pam and Karen! I am ordering you to cease and desist all party planning immediately. ________: You can’t do that. _______: As ranking number 3 in this office I am ordering you to… ________: Ummm, I’m number 3. ________: You’re number 4. ________: Yeah, but I’m number 3. ________: Uh no. You must turn over to me all Christmas decorations and party paraphernalia immediately that will be returned to you on January 4th. ________: Ok, I think I can help here. ________: Ok good, they… ________: As ranking number 2 I am starting a committee to determine the validity of the two committees and I am the sole member of the committee. We’ll act on this now. ________: Ok this is stupid. ________: Can you please keep it down? I’m in session. [long pause] I’ve determined this committee is valid. ________: No, no, no. Wait. Permission to join the Validity Committee. ________: [thinks about it] Permission denied. ________: Dammit! (Hint: There are 4 people talking here.)


  1. Angela: “Poop is raining from the ceilings. Poop!” What animal’s “poop” is raining from the ceiling?_______________________
  1. Dwight: “Hello Angela. You look as beautiful as the queen of England.” Angela: “Thank you. Don’t linger, break left. Left!” Where are Dwight and Angela during this conversation? ________________________
  1. Jim:I was lucky Dwight was there and Roy was lucky that Dwight only used pepper spray and not the nunchuks or the throwing stars.” Why was Jim lucky?_____________________________
  1. Michael: “I saved a life…my own. Am I a hero? I can’t really say, but…yes.” How did Michael save his own life?________________________________________
  1. Jim: “I miss Dwight. Congratulations Universe, you win.” Why does Jim miss Dwight?______________________________


Emily said...

Nick was watching it and I saw parts here and there (the difference in how we watch tv- he sits down and I do the dishes and clean up the toys)

We liked the running parts as Nick is training to run the Marine Corps Marathon here at the end of the month.

I do like that they are finally getting together.

Emily said...

I want to see the trivia quiz- see how we do

Kathy said...

I just added the quiz that I gave my guests at the party.

What's your score? NO CHEATING!!

Kathy said...

p.s. I think one of my all-time favorite interactions is number 8; the Christmas party discussion. I love the validity committee!

Emily said...

Dang, this is hard when I've only seen about 4 shows. I've seen the health plan one and the diversity day one. Also when they are comparing the office to a prison (but the prison has better tv and outside time every day)

I bet Nick does good on this- I'll show him when he gets home. Thanks for posting it! e

Rachel said...

Hey Kathy! I must be a bigger fan than you! I knew every answer! Absolutely LOVE this show!
