So Angela Kinsey ("Angela" from my favorite show The Office) is pregnant and due about the same time that I am. Yeah, she's just a bit tinier than I am. :) I've been tempted to write something on her blog to let her know a big fan is on the same path as she is right now. I'm such a dork, I know, but I really love The Office and miss it so much!
I think it's funny when you hear that some ladies love being pregnant. Who are these ladies?! I don't know ANYONE that loves being pregnant! Since I have had good deliveries in the past, I could handle a delivery every year but being pregnant isn't that fun. I'm getting to where I can't get comfy at night and, as some might know, I have been sick with a cold for the last 2 and half weeks! Who has a cold for that long?! I'm getting better, I can tell, but I still have a runny nose and a cough. Ugh. But I'm so happy that I've had this cold now and not while I could be in labor or something. That's not fun at all. And I am so excited to be having this babe! The baby moves around all the time it's crazy.
Anyway, just thought that I would put something new on the blog. Hey, Emily, how are you doing?
I DO love being pregnant! It's true!
Once I'm past the puking part (and I'm not quite to the so fat I can't sleep part) I love that there is no pressure on clothes- "What am I going to wear? Well, I have 2 shirts and one pair of pants that fit. Does this outift make me look fat? Oh, yeah! Duh!It does, and I am, and too bad for anyone who has to look at me"
Also I need no other reason to crawl into bed at 8pm and go to sleep. OR take a nap during the day for no reason.
And my new favorite splurge of all- peapod delivery service for groceries. I enter it on their website and they bring them to my house! Brilliant! No shopping with Max. No impulse buys! No lugging them in from the car, no spending time in the store to figure out I am now home and forgot to buy something I need. But can I justify such a thing when I'm not preg?? No way.
I don't cook when I'm pregnant, I don't do dishes (we switch to paper) I eat whatever I want without any guilt at all.
I don't think you are doing this pregnant thing right, Kathy! You are supposed to be a princess when you are pregnant and let everyone pamper you!
And I remember clearly the minute the baby pops out and they take her over to the warmer and all the nurses and your husband and mom go over there- no one is spoiling you any more. You've got someone with something sharp doing something very unpleasant down there as they stitch you up. Welcome to the real world, lady. Get ready for no sleep, sore nipples, diapers with that BLACK sticky stuff in them and now if you stay in your pjs all day you are just lazy!
Wow, how did I write so much?
Yes, overall I like the pregnant part. The giddy, I-can'tbelieve-that-test was positive part. Some of it is pretty dang fun and it has some good perks. But it is always a big relief once they are here safely, so I like that part too.
You are hilarious, Emily! I have to say, all of your arguments for loving pregnancy I just couldn't disagree with! I do totally eat whatever I want. That's why I asked Scott for that big box of chocolates for V-day. And I felt NO GUILT! Which is good.
I just need to change my attitude. At Ricks I took a stress management class and the teacher uncovered the fact that the physical response to being nervous is almost the same as the physical response to being excited. So it's just a switch in the mind. Instead of being nervous just fake that you are are excited.
Anyway, I should just fake that I LOVE it and my mind with soon follow, right? Yeah, well,I'll let you know how that works out.:) Until then, get ready for some, as dad would say, B and M! :)
Emily does have some pretty great arguements on the pros of pregnancy. And I think I will have to try the delivery service from Safeway. My friend just told me that the first time is free, and then if you don't use them for awhile they send you a free coupon again. She always waits for those!
I wasn't able to eat what ever I wanted during pregnancy with the lame gest. diabetes but let me tell you, I am livin' it up now! I haven't had a day without dessert since he was born.
I am super super tired and everyone tells me it is ok to sleep and nap as much as I can right now, and that I am not lazy so, it is still ok to wear your pj's after the babe is born. It is definitely ok to go to sleep at 8:30 because you never know when and how many times the babe will wake up in the night. I say you have a good six months before you need to feel even the slightest bit lazy.
you guys are very cute. it almost makes me wish i was having another baby.
kathy, B and M can stand for a few different things!
emily and stephanie, how much is that delivery service? that sounds like a perfect solution for new mamas.
kathy, i forgot to say that i remember always being sick when i was pregnant! everything lasts ten times longer! That sounds not fun.
I order (well, have done it 2x) from Giant Peapod and it is either $9.95 or 6.95 depending if you order more or less than $100 worth. But there are always coupons out there to get free or nearly free delivery.
But here is an example- last time I paid $4 for delivery. Nick gave me a hard time for being lazy, so the next week I went out to the grocery with Max and spent $7 on Go Diego Go bubbles and $4 on Diego yogurt. So.. actually can argue that it is CHEAPER to use the delivery service because there are less impulse buys
However, I haven't ordered meat or very much produce through them, so can't vouch for that.
I just did a quick look at Safeways website and it looks like the prices are similar to Emily's store. But if you paid $4.00 that seems so worth it to me. Just the lack of having to drag kids to the store and deal with all the impulse buys seems worh it!
Hey! Vaughn just asked if this is Dwight's baby. Hmmmm.... good question!
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