We just celebrated another birthday for little, or should I say, bigger..Sasha.
Last night we had her favorite foods, played pin the tail on the donkey, hang man, and "guess who you are" (post it note on your forehead giving you an identity.. Carl was President Monson, Stephanie was a chocolate chip, Vaughn was a Barbie doll, Jonah was Spongue Bob square pants, and Belva was Nancy Wilberg, Gretta was Tina Wilberg, and Sasha was Sasha. Every one had to guess what was on their forehead. This is a great game for all ages. All you can do is to ask questions about yourself.. one at a time.
Then we had a delicious flourless angel food cake covered with whipped cream and dots.
Lots of gifts, and a very nice night for Sasha and all of us- from the barbecued hot dogs to the watermelon. Wish we could come to all of your birthdays.
Thank you, Sasha for all the wonderful things that you do for us. You are a great artist, a lovely singer, a fun game player, and very nice to have around the house. We love you, Grandma and grandpa W
Thanks mom for all the great pictures...well except for the one of me! It was a fun night.
Cute photos, Mom! I love the color scheme. Green and pink, so hip! Can't do that with boys. :) Sasha's a cutie! And, Steph, that's a fun picture of you and Sasha. No Complaining! We all need to like ourselves more!
We're smart enough.
We're good enough.
And, doggonit, people like us!
They really do! I like you! And not just on the days that you are perfectly made up!
Okay, that was a bit preachy but it's more for my own thinking than anything else. But I really do think that we all need to like ourselves more than we do.
cute, cute pictures! how fun! she's looking so grown up!
kathy, you're cute, too! are you sure you're not the oldest? (haha!)
steph, i think you look great!!
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