Can't believe that you have been with us for forty years. Had to put together a few photos to celebrate the occassion. What a full life you have had.. You are a great mom. They are so lucky to be with you every day. Thought it would be fun to put pics of all the wilberg children from years past.
Thanks for the memories..Looking forward to the future. We love you, Mom
Great photos! I haven't seen all of these. It's so fun! I think I want to take some photos of our past so I can scrapbook them here. I have like zero old family photos.
ok, some of those pictures are really embarrassing! but, I appreciate the thought!
I bet it's weird, mom, to have another forty year old child.
That 80's picture is really funny! Lovely make up and eyebrows! Stephanie, you are always adorable!
I would be resentful of that picture of the princess cake if I wasn't about to visit and be able to have some myself! I'm going to Ettoire's EVERYDAY! And Merlino's (or whatever it's called now) and La Boulangerie, and Sunflower Drive Inn, and....oh, this time I want to go to that sushi place my friend told me about...it starts with an 'M' but I can't remember what it's called. I think I'm looking forward to the food as much as the company (haha!)
I can't wait!
Dang! What fun and funny pictures. I remember listening to Billy Joel Glass Houses album. And those white shoulder pads---cant get more 80's if I tried. Cant wait to see everyone.
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