A few things I remember:
*Mom sewed my veil on the way to the temple and it was exactly what I wanted. I loved it! Thanks Mom! Doesn't it look great?!
*Thanks to sisters that had their heads on straight, I have a bouquet of flowers in these pictures. I was so out of it! You guys bought some flowers on the way!
*While standing in the "line" Scott and I saw Stephanie sprint to the back of the back yard. Apparently, a table cloth had flipped up on a candle and it started a little fire.
*The food was soooo good because you guys made all of it and thankfully, Scott and I actually got to taste it because you set us up with a little lunch box full of it.
*Awesome necklace a la Tina Rice.
*Blue fingernails (you can even see them on Steph in this photo)
*Yeah, it's cheesy but I really was so glad to marry Scott. I was very happy that day and loved the whole wedding schpeel. I was happy to marry him and, well, I hope he was happy to marry me! :)
Thanks for making it a wonderful day for us!! Love you guys!
A few things I remember:
Running late to the temple and pulling into the motel parking lot to pick up Scott's family and they were all sitting in the car waiting for us. Then we had to stop off on the way so your dad could change his pants (he didn't like the ones he was wearing.. I don't know??)
Working like a slave to get everything ready and Scott and Kathy sitting on the couch smooching totally clueless how much work there was to be done. I'm pretty sure I have this on video.
Abby and Zac taking their roles very seriously- they were supposed to hand out hershey kisses to all the guests and they were going to make sure everyone got one (or two, or three). If they couldn't get the person's attention they just put them in their hand, or pants pocket
Teasing Kathy about why her hair was such a mess when Scott and she disappeared for a few hours before the reception. We were up in the bedroom and giving her a hard time as Nancy tried to fix Kathy's fancy hair do- Kathy said "Stop, you'll make Scott feel bad" and we said "Oh, he can't even hear us" and then we heard his voice from the other bedroom say "Yes, I can"
Hey Kathy, That was fun to see your wedding pics! You look BEEautfiul! Hope you had a fun trip last week.
Hi Kathy, I think I have talked to you at least three times today and not one mention of this memorable event. What a lucky, happy time for us all. I have never seen two happier people on their wedding day than the two of you. What a perfect match. My favorite things about the great man you married are:
1.His very dry sense of humor - one of the first qualities that we noticed in him from the beginning.
2. He is not judgemental, or critical of you or any of our family. This is a very important quality. He is accepting of all of our peculiar personalities.. and we do have very strange peronalities.
3. He is such a loving husband and father. He remembers flowers, likes to celebrate events, enjoys tasting what ever you fix and usually says "thank you for the great meal." He encourages all of your experiments with food, decorations, halloween costumes, mooning pumpkins,scrapbooking marathons, and trips to amusement parks, and crazy cousins camp.
4. He loves music and little boys.
He knows every primary song that was written and has taught his little boys how to sing with great gusto. Once I was visiting them and you and I were sitting quietly with a new baby in the family room. I heard two very louds sounds coming from the tent in Jacobs room. Scott and Jacob were having a yelling match as part of the "get ready for bed" routine. What a dad. These little boys can't wait to see him every night when they can hear the garage door opening with Scott behind the wheel.
5. Thank you Scott for being such a great son-in-law...and you, Kathy for all of the great choices that you have made..including your choice in a great guy like Scott.
congratulations guys! I'm so glad to know you have a family blog. Your pics are so cute, and Scott even has hair! Good luck with everything in D.C. and keep in touch!
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