What a great, fun time we had in San Francisco. It was cooler than expected but even that was nice after being in the 90* Sacramento weather. We got some yummy chocolate at a store Nanc tracked down. Then we headed to Golden Gate park for a breezy (cold) picnic and a walk through the conseratory full of plants. It was warmer in there. We ended up at the beach where it was windy and beautiful. (I can't wait to see your pics, Nan, because I didn't take any with my camera there.) It was a simple but perfect day trip! We all had a great time!
how cute you all are! the little-red-riding-hood-poncho rules!
can't wait to see everyone! (i wish everyone else was coming, though!)
I love the photos! Thanks for creating some of my favorite SF memories. I had such a relaxed and happy time there. LOVE YOU.
p.s. I'll post photos this week, hopefully!!!
It is weird to see Nancy in SF this morning when she was just at my house last night.. the miracle of cyber travel.
Love the photos!
What great photos! I can't wait to visit with a few of you!
Wow! It is always rewarding to see so many comments so quickly! You all check it at almost the exact same time too. How funny!
So, Emily why dont you and Nick come out next week? We'd show you a good time for sure!!!!!
Ok, we are there! See you soon!
p.s. You're right, Em. Cyber travel is a miracle! :)
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