They have called me to the emergency prep committee in the ward and it is something I have quite an interest in so you would think I have it all set- but you would be wrong. There is always something in the way (don't have money to do it 'right', where do you keep all that food?)
Sunday there was a water main break and all the water in the upper Montgomery County is contaminated- can not use it for cooking, washing dishes, toothbrushing, etc. unless you boil it first. All the restaurants in the area are closed today.
So, a friendly suggestion to see how you are set for water storage AND a suggestion to add some paper plates & utensils to your supplies.
Tina, is the flooding affecting your water supply at all? Are you under water?
oh no! that sounds like a big pain. do you have any water stored? we have several juice bottles stored, which gives me a little piece of mind. and we have 3 of those huge drum things that i bought to store some water, but i haven't washed them or filled them yet (i bought them last october! but i kept thinking i couldn't wash them in the winter because it was way too cold.) we also have a camping water filter pump thing that filters out everything, so we could go to the river for water if we had to. but that would be super slow and we'd only have drinking water. i'm thinking i need to fill up those drums...
our water supply hasn't been effected, but several counties close to us have been without water for a while. in ames, we had streets close, so we couldn't access the freeway or other parts of town (which made me anxious), but we didn't loose power or water and only lost a few businesses.
what were you doing up at 3:45 a.m.?
That is crazy! I know we wouldn't be prepared at all!
We sometimes have problems with our pipes (we have those crappy plastic poly pipes, so when we get a leak we have to turn the water off except when we are taking a shower or soemthing) and so I have a few 2 liter bottles filled up and a few gallons I had bought.. but yes, I'm thinking I should probably invest some more time and energy in getting ready.
I had read an article about 72 hour kits and they said you really do not need food in it because you can survive for 72 hours without food- (but wouldn't be pleasant with kids) and a woman suggested you get a 'snack pack' and keep it in your car and let the kids eat the stuff (peanut butter crackers, raisins, juice boxes, jerky, etc.. ) while you are out and about instead of going to McDonalds or whatever and then refill it when you go grocery shopping. This has been working pretty well for us.
This has been on my mind a lot lately too. For Father's Day I gave Vaughn a laundry basket full of supplies to make 72 hour kits but it isn't everything you need. When you have six people in your family it takes quite a bit. We will gather the rest of supplies and try and put them together for an FHE. I am also thinking about getting some 5 gallon water storage containers and maybe one of those emergency kits in buckets. They seem to have all the first aid and tolietries that might be useful. It seems like with everything going on in the world we could all use these!
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