Monday, September 22, 2008

New Shoes & other random stuff

Okay, speaking of new stuff (like Emily's cool red glasses) I just bought these two pair of shoes off of ebay and I've been meaning to post about them. I LOVE these green Keens! So cool!
Here are my new-to-me-but-slightly-used Vans. I am totally not hip any more! The new styles of Vans are SO UG-!!! I had to find older styles because I just can't wear shoes that look like wrestling/bowling shoes! As Tina would ask, "So, what are all the kids doing these day?" (or something like that.)
Right now, I really dislike shopping with all three boys, so during a recent trip to Tar-shay (I'm not French, okay!) I bribed Jake and Sam to behave with some items from the dollar section, this being a Spiderman pen that included a light while you write, bubbles, and a stamp. Here's Sam's artistic impression with the stamp.
Jake and Sam are totally into making "forts" with anything they can get their hands on. I made this dog house for Jake's stuffed dog months ago and just recently he was using it in some of his fort-creations. While getting ready to go to bed, he asked me if he could sleep in his fort with the dog house. I said no because it was disessembled and I didn't want to make it again. He kept insisting and I said "No." while closing the door. Hours later, when I was going to bed, I went in to check on the boys and found this. He slept that way the whole night!


Emily said...

I like that it doesn't tell you who posted until you get to the bottom of the post.. it is kind of like a guessing game! A little test to see if I recognize whos kid that is.. Sam is getting big!

I love your new shoes.. buying stuff off the internet is always a big question mark if I'll love it as much as I think I will... I have maybe a 50percent success rate, but your shoes look like winners!

Cecy said...

Great shoes!! We have the same spiderman stamp/bubble pen, it was hit for a whole week! It looks like you're still in your ABQ house, what's going on with D.C????

Stepi said...

I love the shoes too. I often try the bribbing thing too but it can also suck because then they try to make deals. I dont like the deals!

I agree with Em. It is often a guessing game to see who posted.

tjayandjulie said...

Absolutely love the green keens!!! That dog house thing is so funny, it is totally something Paige would do. It also T.Jay and I a good laugh. Thanks!

Sachiko said...

My boys love making forts too! It got to be a bit annoying because they wanted to keep everything they gound around the house so thay could add it to their fort!(for example, cereal boxes, mushroom cartons, empty toilet paper rolls, bottle caps!!). Boys are so fun, they have a lot of imagination.