Monday, September 29, 2008


In August Vaughn had to visit some clients in Northern CA, so we all went with him and we stayed in a tiny town called Weed for a few days. We were about an hour north of Lake Shasta but there are a lot of smaller lakes all around where we were. Vaughn thought that one of his clients suggested we go to Lake Shastina, so we found it on the map and headed there. The small road took us directly to the boating dock where we were the only people there... at the WHOLE lake. You wanna know why?
Because almost the whole thing is dried up!! Go children have fun in the mud! Watch out for docking boats!

Vaughn and I thought it was really funny. The kids did at first until they realized that they actually got ripped off. Luckily the drive there was only about 10 minutes off the main highway.

Shortly after, we did find a real lake! It was beautiful and warm and the kids loved it.

It had a nice beach but also this great grass to play in. The kids loved running and playing in it.

It ended up being a fun day after all. But I wonder if Vaughn misunderstood someone recommending Lake Shastina or did someone play a not-so-nice joke on us?
I think we should all go to Lake Shasta sometime and rent a house boat for a few days. I have a friend who does it with her family and she said its really great. It is the house boat capitol of the world. It has lots of fun hikes to do near it and lots of birds for watching! If we go, I promise not to take you to Lake Shastina.


Sherrill and Lybbert Families said...

Beautiful pictures of your family.
Sounds like a great trip. We are going to Utah in 2 weeks for Bryan's dads 70th birthday. Kari

Kathy said...

That is hilarious! Sometimes things like that make the trip more memorable than if you had just gone straight to the nice lake. I've never seen a totally dried up (or muddied up) river before. Just be lucky with the water you do have. I think we have to drive 2 or 3 hours for swimable water. So sad.

Emily said...

Wait! I would have thought a place called Weed was totally scenic and beautiful.. see how wrong people can be about these things?? ;0)

What a funny story.. it reminds me of that Deep Thoughts when he was driving his nephew to DisneyLand and instead drove him to a burned out warehouse. "Oh, no! DisneyLand burned down". He started to drive over to the real DisneyLand but it was getting pretty late.

We should totally have next cousins camp in Weed, CA- at least it won't be crowded!

happytape! said...

i love it that it's called Weed! i wish we lived there.

that trip looks really fun and your kids are soo fine! (i'm bringing 'fine'back...what do you think?)