Monday, October 27, 2008

Obama Tax Plan

Speaking of Halloween, the scary thing isn't that these particular tyrants plan to greatly augment the federal government's role as the redistributor of wealth and income. The REALLY SCARY thing is that over numerous decades the government has assumed the power to actually do it! This loss of liberty is perhaps impossible to reverse. The underlying assumption is that people do not own themselves or the labor that their bodies produce. The government does. We all have been taking part. We all "benefit" in some way. And we all lose.


Emily said...

I was in the store and saw a Republican Birthday card that when you opened it,it said 'Earn your own d**n present!'.

The Democrat Birthday Card said "Go out, do whatever you want to do without any thoughts of if you can afford it- someone else will pay for it" (something like that)

I agree.. next week is scary- seems fitting it is right after Halloween

happytape! said...

this cartoon is pretty funny. i heard someone at church describing it to someone else, so i'm happy to see it myself. those cards sound funny too, emily.

i'm actually not all that scared of who our next president will be. won't they both suck?? the whole bailout thing is much more scary to me. communism is just sneaking up on us.

Stepi said...

I agree with both of you. It is even more scary here in CA with the whole prop 8 we are working on. That is the Ammendment to the State constitution saying Marraiage is between a man and woman. Wow! It is pretty volitile around here...but we have been asked to do all that we can do for it. We are trying. Anyway, what is it all coming to?

Kathy said...

I think I worry most about that Prop. 8 even more than the pres. or even the economy. Socialism is a-coming, is my thought. I agree that either won't be the best...we will see, we will see.

In this election, I think I've become Mom because I don't think that I will watch ANY tv coverage of it nor will I listen to the radio. Too stressful. Last pres. election I don't think mom even answered the phone.

Steph, I've heard there is going to be a fast/prayer the Sunday before the election in Cali. Is that right?

I think we (the country) deserves whomever we elect.

Emily, those cards are hilarious!!

Kathy said...

Nancy, what are your thoughts? We won't bash on you if you are still for Obama. I just want to know what you think of this election and if you are still for Obama, tell us why. I (and I think all of us should) won't try to argue at all.

LBBlum said...

Someone mentioned prop 8.. there is a website called:
where you can sign a petition supporting prop 8 and donate to the cause.

We signed the petition- but it was funny my husband found a website- against prop 8 and they had access to this petition along with the donation amounts... trying to spur people to witch hunt their neighbors if they supported or signed this petition..etc...

but it was kinda funny- we looked at the list and instead of feeling shame.. felt like .. "Man we should donate more!"

enjoyed the cartoon.

LBBlum said...

Hi I've been so flattered that my blog is listed on your site- I changed my url- it's now
if anyone wonders.. :o)