Thursday, November 27, 2008

happy today

here are our thanksgiving pictures. i'm still completely stuffed. our food was really delicious this year! i have mastered Sister Wooley's pie, and even wrote up and official recipe so we won't have to make it up every year (and have it fail half the time!) i photographed my rolls so you could see how overzealous their rise was this year! i didn't get a pie picture--duh! but it was beautiful and perfect! seriously. adam had to go to the urgent care center two nights ago for his asthma (it's new!) and he was super hyped up on this steriod he's taking. it's a little unsettling and reminds me of the no-doz story i've heard so many times (how i ate a whole box when i was a baby and was wide awake all through the night.)

our weather was really nice today, too! very lucky! (see the kids playing outside?) we also saw the movie 'Bolt' this afternoon, which was very cute.

since we all love food, here's a summary of what we ate:

sweet potatoes (the marshmallow, walnut, brown sugar kind)
mashed potatoes
*fresh green beans
*acorn squash (with brown sugar)
*orange rolls
creamed corn (homemade by shannon, not yucky canned)
*cranberry orange jello salad (like grandma's)
*shrimp with cocktail sauce
*jalapeno jelly with cream cheese on crackers (this is my new favorite thing! i made the jalapeno jelly and it was soo good!)
pumpkin bread
pumpkin cookies
celery with this cream cheese filling
apples with caramel toffee dip
seasoned oyster crackers
apple pie
pumpkin pie
cherry pie
raspberry pie (baked by christen)
*raspberry pie (sis. wooley's)
chocolate mousse pie
pumpkin cheesecake
cherry cheesecake

*made by me

i hope your taste testing went well! post pictures, if you have some. i missed everyone, but we really had a great day!

happy thanksgiving, sweet lovelies! i love you!!


Emily said...

Yuuum! We didn't take any photos but I brought the turkey (a first for me- we brined it and it was great, if I do say so myself) and I also made a pumpkin cake and a pecan pie (also a first for me)

I have always thought I was a terrible cook but I have a new oven/stove and all 3 things I've cooked so far have been great! Belva will be glad to know that now I have 4 working burners! (my last stove only had 1 that worked)

We started a new tradition- the night before Thanksgiving we all met at my mom's house for PIE NIGHT- only pies! (and icecream) We had 2 kinds of apple, mince, pumpkin, pecan, blackberry/blueberry/cherry, and a cranberry cherry.

You've maybe all been to my mom's tiny house and it was a loonybin with 11 kid cousins running all around (Abby is the oldest at 12yo) Also, about an hour before pie night Amanda had to go to the hospital to be monitored and we thought she would have her baby but instead they sent her home. They will induce her next Wed.

happytape! said...

i like the idea of pie night! i'm always too full to enjoy all the pies. i think i need to start that tradition!

and i'm impressed that you did the turkey! i've never done a turkey, but they seem tricky. congratulations that yours turned out!

what was your pumpkin cake like? that sounds like a good, new idea!

Emily said...

I posted the recipe on the wildmountainfoods! But be I'd suggest you make a double batch of the glaze- it was super yum

I had never done the turkey before- it was super easy. I mostly used the directions on pioneer woman site and then the brining solution from William Sonoma (mucho expensivo for you spanish speakers out there)