Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Here's little movie Jonah made. I thought it might cheer someone up.
"I Can Fly!!! . . . or not"


Emily said...

Love it! Zac and Abby make movies sometimes and it generally ends with something crashing or exploding. Good fun!

LBBlum said...

so cool!
Hey- I just want to generally- ask if any wilbergs living in the Sacramento area are interested in hosting a paying-boarder for three months.. starting Dec 1st.

A friend of mine- has a brother who is going to some training in Sacramento and would like to rent a room... but just for 3 months.

I said I didn't know.. but would ask. (Might be nice extra $$-) or just might be a pain.. ?? just thought I would post and ask.

happytape! said...

all my kids' movies end in a crash/be-splotion, too! i know besplode isn't a word, but my kids don't.

laura, sorry, i can't help--i live in iowa.