Thursday, January 01, 2009

a few pictures

Here are a few photos. I really need to go to bed. We went to the Botanic gardens this week. So fun. Thanks for the suggestion, Emily. On display was a bunch of the National Monuments made with leaves and branches, stuff like that. Really cool. The kids loved the train display the most.
Sam going to town on one of the gifts Aunt Stephanie sent to him and Jake...and Scott! :)
Here's Jake two days after running head first into our church pew. Happy boy for such a black eye.Our Christmas morning mess...and a good photograph of our living room.
Nick and Emily and the gang came over for Christmas eve dinner. Yum! You'll notice that Sam and Scott are not there. They were at the local urgent care discovering that Sam had pneumonia! But Sam is doing much better now! Christmas morning he was a little...slow but still happy to see that Santa had come.


Emily said...

It made me do a double take to see Nick and I holding 2 babies ;0)

Yay! Kathy is back online!

happytape! said...

yay, kathy!

cute, cute pictures! i like to see where you live now and you and Nick and Emily (and families) all together! fun times!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures, Kathy. You look all settled in, you are amazing. I feel so bad for poor Jake's eye, (but I'm still glad you took the church pew with you)

And Sam with pneumonia on top of it all! Hope he gets over it & all the residual stuff that comes with it quickly.

That part you said on our blog about Jake liking the Art was so funny. Yes, he belongs to you guys for sure! Can't believe a kid who acts "all boy" said that. There's hope for the world of boys, after all.

Stepi said...

It is fun to see your house and festivities with Nick and Em. Lucky...(said with a Napolean Dynomite accent). I also think you hair is looking really cute. Are you growing it out then?