Thursday, January 08, 2009

my three boys

Cameron is growing SO fast! I can't believe it. Here he is getting pretty frustrated because he wants to go somewhere much quicker than he can. He's not yet crawling but is trying; getting up on his hands and toes. He'll be moving in no time and I'll have to get a bunch of those gates for the stairs.
This is so cute. Scott gave me this Juno card for my birthday. When you open it, a little recording of a phrase from the movie is heard. Sam and Jake loved opening and closing it to hear Juno talk. A few days later, Jacob brought me his version of the card. Pretty good, huh!? He even tried to copy Scott's message inside with Scott's handwriting. I was so impressed.
Our town home, like most here, is three levels. But we live mostly on the 2nd and 3rd floors. The first is pretty quiet. The bottom level stairs is where we've designated as the time-out spot. I like it because if the kid is loud they aren't right in our face but still in ear shot. Sam needed a time-out and was screaming and whining so downstairs he went. It was in the evening and sort of close to his bed time. Just a few minutes after he was sent downstairs, Jake tells us he's totally asleep. I didn't believe it because he had been sitting there for under 5 minutes. But he was out like a light. I don't remember being small enough to fit on a stair. Do you?

1 comment:

happytape! said...

i can't imagine sam did something to warrant a time out downstairs--he's so cute!