Sunday, February 15, 2009

Don't chews this

Yesterday I was changing Cameron in the living room. There were toys and other kid stuff all over the room. Big surprise. I noticed Jake's CTR ring on the floor. Cameron started going for it and I picked it up. "Jake! Come get this ring and put it in a safe place!" Then guess where I put it? Right back on the floor. After the diaper switch I plop in front of the computer to waste time. Then I hear Cameron start hacking. I run of to him. He's breathing but seems like he wants to throw up. About two weeks ago he started swallowing a penny so I was pretty sure he had swallowed something. I start freaking out. Scott comes to help. He's spitting up and hacking, breathing, but hacking and crying. He wants to get it out. We called 911. We didn't know what to do. We didn't know what was in there. The dispatcher helped us and said he was sending an ambulance. He said to hot hit him on the back. Too late. Already did that. I tried to fish whatever it was out of his throat with no success. Probably just pushed it in further. We still didn't know what it was. After about 4 minutes of racing hearts and me shouting to Cameron, "C'mon! C'mon!" out it came. A CTR ring!!! The 991 dispatcher kept us on the phone and said that the ambulance would still come. They did and all was well. But, oh my goodness! It makes me sick just thinking about it. What could've happened! What I almost made happen. I said many silent prayers thanking Heavenly Father for letting Cameron stay with us. Anyway, watch what's on your floors. We will, from now on.


Emily said...

You left off the funny lighthearted ending which was Jake was wearing the ring when they came over yesterday.

Good reminder! There are many chokeables on my floor and Zoe is starting to roll around

Glad he is ok!

Vaughn said...

wow!!! that is just awful! It is a huge fear around here as well. Simon finds every little thing possible and pops it in his mouth. It is scary.
I'm so sorry you had that happen. And now what is it going to cost you? Darn.

[This is Stepi, by the way, I just noticed Vaughn was signed in]

happytape! said...

that is so scary! i'm so glad he's ok!

i think it's really hard to write about something like this because it's so intense when you experience it, but it's so hard to convey the sense of panic and fear when it's over, and everything turned out ok. you did a good job!

Vaughn said...

Just a comment about the 911 instruction not to hit Cameron on the back. The reason, I think, is that he was still able to breath. When something is interfering with a person's breathing, but not completely obstructing the airway, it's better not to interfere for two reasons. (1) the body is programed to respond to get it out and (2) interfering may have the opposite effect and cause a complete obstruction.

My understanding, however, is that IF an infant's airway is actually obstructed - no breathing - it is proper to hold him or her face down in one hand and to strike the baby's back with the other open palm to attemtp to dislodge the obstruction.

Vaughn said...

You were right to call 911 first. That was so frightening. I thought about it all night, and had the kids pick up stuff this morning. Gave them 25 cents for each 20 items they found on the floor.

LBBlum said...

that is awful!
Such a good reminder- even if it is a ctr ring!