Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Prunes & a Bath

I had to put in some of these photo here (because not all of us use facebook :)) and I was sick of seeing that YouTube video there.
Cameron usually loves eating most foods. He can be a little picky sometimes, though. So it surprised me when, after a few days of...unhappy bouls, we opted to feed him some prunes. We were so shocked when he was totally chowing 'em down. How funny! Bonus: They are so dark thus they make for good messy-baby pictures.

Cameron also loves taking baths. It's hilarious! So cute! Of course, I had to do a little "editing" to one of them. Can you tell which one? (It's really not that hard to tell.)

1 comment:

Stepi said...

Now thats an ooey gooey baby. Yikes! Simon is such a hyper splasher/crawler in the tub that I hate to give him baths. Ive been doing them in the kitchen sink since living here.

What a fun tub you have!