Friday, April 03, 2009

I got friends in low places

Cameron is now super mobile (though not walking) and is found in many tight spots. Most of the time he's fine on his own, exploring the house, while sticking any ity-bity thingy he finds on the floor in his mouth. Even though Scott is our fabulous vacuum-er, I end up passing my finger though Cameron's mouth 6 or 7 times a day, then shouting "Euricka!" more often than not. But along with cramming stuff his in pie holes, there's a lot of head-bumping and rescuing for the Cam-man these days.

This is has nothing to do with the previous photos but I had to put it in. It's so hilairious!


happytape! said...

cameron's getting so big, too! i love how you caught him in so many tight spots! and that hat is hilarious with his cute eyes looking up. adorable!

Emily said...

It is a funny time when they start getting stuck places. Zoe squeezed in between that toy table and the bookshelf and I had to drag her out. I never think to take photos- but will try ;0)

Love that Cameron. I had a funny collection of stuff I took out of his mouth the other day when I watched him. He's always chewing on something.

Stepi said...

They sure keep us on our toes now!! I think it will be like this for the next year or more. Good thing they are so dang cute!!