Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tea Party

Here are a few photos of what we did yesterday. Scott and I had planned to meet up in DC for the Tea Party there. When we woke up to rain, I thought, "Nah. I won't go." But then a friend called me to see if I was still going and she wanted to go. So now that I had company, I decided to head out. We did check a bunch of hourly weather reports that said the rain would subside for a bit around noon but they were WRONG! The boys were great! Traffic and parking was tricky, but thankfully I had my friend, Erika, with me. She tried to appease a crying Cameron and helped me find a parking garage. Once we got out, walking with the boys was wonderful! No complaining at all. Sammy was a little groggy after snoozing in the car but they really were good kids, even through all the rain and mud. Jake loved holding his little sign and if fact, some people thought that we were a real "sight": two adults with 4 little boys in tow on a rainy day. Some even took photos of us.

Love this one of Cameron. He wasn't as in love with being there as the rest of us.

Don't mortgage my future! Scott came up with this poignant message.

With all the people there, Scott and I found each other. Yay! A family affair. Russell Wright was there too. Unfortunately, I found that out when I got home but he said he listened to Laura Ingrahm so that's pretty cool. It was a crazy day and we were really only there for about half hour or 45 minutes but we were glad to have gone.


Emily said...

I love that Jake added an extra ! to his sign. I saw another sign a kid was holding in SLC that said "6 and already broke)

Stepi said...

I will post V's pictures tonight. He went to the one at the Capitol and it was huge. He was really impressed!

Way to go Kath and Scott!