Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Our new pet

Abby has been sleeping in the basement because it is cooler down there. Last night she went down and I heard her scream! She came and got me. There was a little baby mouse running and running around in the bottom of the laundry basket- he couldn't get out. We captured him and put him in our old gerbil tank with food & a toilet paper tube. He is so cute and little!

Then I started googling 'baby field mice pet' and got info that says they are fine to keep, and also info saying they have hantavirus and should not be kept. The lady at the wildlife rescue place I called said it is 'jail, and he didnt' do anything to deserve it' but we did rescue him from dying in a trap, so I'm not sure that arguement works for me.

Max is in love and keeps going over to tell his 'baby gerbil' how much he loves it.

So, I'm not sure we will keep him but for now he is pretty darn cute! They kids named him Herman (the vermin)

I took this photo off the internet- it isn't our exact mouse. He shredded up a bunch of tp and made an nest and has been sleeping


Stepi said...

Jail?? give me a break, the freak! We have a little pet mouse who seems pretty happy in his jail. They are tiny and cute but be warned I think they are very stinky even with a really clean cage.
I thought the haunt-a virus was mainly in the southwest

Kathy said...

EEEEK!.....isn't that what you're supposed to say when you see a mouse? I just remember Dad taking a beebee gun (or was it some OTHER type of gun?) to a "Herman" in the utility room at home. He was successful hunting his prey but the bloody results had to be painted over! YUCK!

Stepi said...

I think that was a rat! Yikes!!

happytape! said...

kathy, that must have been a rat! no one would shoot a mouse (the target is too small.)

we have a mouse in our house right now, too. berrett just brought it home from the pet store to feed to our new pet snake. i love snakes. i hate mice! our kids are all gushy over the cute mouse (he's white with black patches), but i hate it!

speaking of rats, kathy, does everyone know the story about a rat scampering over my bare feet at 3 a.m. in the upstairs bathroom? dad never believed me, but i was washing my face after a late night and a rat ran over my feet and down into the open shower drain (it was when we were adding on and the shower wasn't installed yet.) i'll have the willies over that for the rest of my life!