Friday, August 21, 2009


I wish someone else would post some photos, but since no one has I'll post some photos from Hawaii. We had a great trip! Highlights included the shark swim, a day at the spa, visiting this really gorgeous Buddist temple, rainbows, and trying a veggie burger at every restaurant I could find. I think we all need to go to Hawaii. Let me know when.


Kathy said...

Fun pictures, Emily! I love them. And we already have a date for Hawaii. 2015 for my fortieth birthday. Right, everyone? 2015. It's already on your calendars, right?

That Buddhists temple is really cool and Jane and Laural look great!

Belva Wilberg and Elder JJ Simonsen said...

Hello Emily,
It sounds like you had a wonderful time in Hawaii. I especially love the sweet pics of you and your mom and sisters. You have a great family full of bright ideas. I would love to see you all and hear about your great adventures. Love you, Belva

LBBlum said...

Open invitation to all wilberg clan--
Em that was such a BLAST... I'm still on a high... starting to plan next summer {in my mind} when we come to Maryland...

I am thinking we should all do a triathlon! Teams and individuals.. whatcha think?
I could swim for a team of you (run/walk) Me (swim) Amanda (bike) Koryn could do the whole thing herself... Andy could do the whole thing himself... and then Brian (swim) Allen (bike) and Nick (run)... or he could do the whole thing himself... and have mom (run/walk) the other team...

whatcha think?? huh? huh? huh? Or if any of nicks sisters want to jump in???