Saturday, October 17, 2009

Getting Ready

We are all very excited for Halloween around here! On a recent Family Night we went to our usual place for squash and pumpkins. Sasha was very prepared this year with a list of types of pumpkins we needed. It read, "long pumpkin, short, tiny, big!" She was very efficient as she checked them off her list.
Simon likes to help too.

This is was what Simon thought of the camera in his face.
And this is Simon practicing his Halloween get up with black marker. He may need a little help with that! Deja vous!!


Emily said...

fun! We had thought to go to the pumpkin patch but as it has rained 5 days in a row we thought maybe not. Love seeing photos of your kiddos, wish we could see them IRL

happytape! said...

these are so cute! i love fall photos! and i love gretta's haircut, too! simon's marker face is a lot easier to look at than sasha's mascara--she looked like she got hurt!

Sarah said...

I cannot believe how much Gretta looks like you, Stephanie. She is just darling. They're all such cute kids!

Kathy said...

fun photos, Steph! I love Simon smacking for the camera and his marker face. But Sasha's mascara massacre makes me laugh out loud no matter how many times I see it!