Saturday, October 03, 2009

In 1914 a Great Lady was Born..

My mother was born on the same day as my father (one year apart). Her birthday is on August 29, 1914.

There is a sturdy brick home that we pass on the way to the outreach center
that was built in 1914. Every day there are fresh flowers in the window. It reminds me of my mom.

A few weeks ago, many family members gathered to celebrate her 95th birthday. There was a "Fish Feast" at the old "Oyster Bar" in downtown Portland. We went to this restaurant many times when I was a little girl. Thanks to Margaret's hospitality, Mother can't stop talking about her wonderful birthday weekend.

There were great breakfasts, barbecues, a daliah festival, and lots of little children bringing in eggs, going in doors that were supposed to be closed, and loving their great grandma with a shower of "we love you" cards.

I have been doing a little research to find out what was happening in 1914 when mom was born. Probably the most significant event of 1914 was the beginning of World War I.

1. Imagine- if this were to happen now, while we were in Europe. In July, Austria and Hungary declared war on Siberia. During the month mother was born Germany declared war on France. Then Britain entered the war. Japan delcared war on Germany and bombed China.
This was also the year when the bra was invented. I don't think that had any connection with the war.

2. In 1914: Arizona and New Mexico had just become states (in 1912) two
years before she was born. We would have at least four boys who
wouldn't be citizens of this country if this hadn't happened. --Cameron,
Jacob, and Sammy Brooks were all born in New Mexico and Jonah
Hromiko was born in Arizona.
3. Tinker toys were invented in 1914 and erector sets and Lincoln Logs
were favorite toys. Tina, Stephanie, and Kathy are holding one of
our giant tinker toys. Below I am reading to Nan, with Stephanie and
Kathy listening.
4. Ocean liners (Floating hotels) were the rage. Both the Titanic and
Lusitania sunk during this decade. It cost $60 for a twelve day cruise.
5. The song "Aba Daba Honeymoon", a favorite cousin's camp song, was
written in 1914. Charlie Chaplin was becoming famous, and Movie
stars were wearing lipstick, and showing their legs. 30 million
Americans went to a movie every week.
6. Henry Ford discovered how to mass produce affordable cars. It had
taken 14 hours to build one car. With Ford's assembly line, it took one
hour and thirty three minutes. Up until that time, cars came in many
colors. Ford discovered that black paint dried faster than the other all his cars were painted black for speedy delivery.
What didn't Mom have when she was a child ?

1. She had no deodorant - It wasn't invented until 1941.
2. She had no fingernail polish - invented in the 1920's
3. What would she do without frozen foods. Birdseye invented it in 1928.
4. There were no ice cube trays (invented in 1928)
5. Can you imagine mom without a cake mix on the shelf? (It wasn't
invented until 1949.
6. She never tasted a chocolate chip cookie until 1930.
7. She had no band aids (invented in 1920)
8. She didn't even have sliced bread..Professionally sliced in 1928.
9. Ball point pens were not invented until 1930. I don't know how she
survived without scotch tape. (invented in 1930)
10. There were no traffic lights until 1928.
11. Thank heavens for the 1950's when "Peeps" and credit cards were
invented. Simon is eating his Easter peeps in the picture above.
Happy Birthday, Mom. What a wonderful, long life you have lived.
To all of you who read this blog, I hope that you will forgive me for creating an on-line album for mom's birthday. I would usually make a hard copy and give it to her in person. But here we are in the middle of Denmark, so this album I hope will be read on her new Apple Computer.
The posts that follow are a collection of pics that I love--of all of our family.
from the Richins, Marcusens, Camerons, and Wilbergs. (when you finish each chapter--just click on "Older Posts" for the next set of pictures.) Hope you will enjoy them as much as I have. If you want to see them up close...just click on them. Love to you all, Belva


Kathy said...

This is a great tribute, Mom. I really enjoy looking at all these photos (and all the underneath ones too.) They are so fun to check out!

Thanks, Mom!

Stepi said...

Thanks mom! I'm sure Grandma will love it all! It was fun to see all the stuff not yet invented.

happytape! said...

i commented to mom, already, but i want to leave my comment here, too.

i love all of these! so well done!