Wednesday, March 15, 2006

California Dreamin'

So, what dates will folks be there? We have tickets for July3-19th ;) I need to get ahold of a portable crib or some such item


Kathy said...

Emily, I'm sure that Steph would have a port-a-crib. I know that mom has one. One old one but not TOO old.

Stepi said...

uh... we will most likely be here the whole time you are!! Mom has a port-a-crib, I have one and we could also borrow from my friend Courtney who lives next door to mom and dan (I mean dad!)

love to all--

happytape! said...

I'm not sure what our exact dates are, but we'll definitely overlap with you for our whole time there. I think we'll be there on the 9th and 10th, and again from the 12th-16th. We're going to Marine World and the coast for a few days in between. I'm excited to see eveyrone! Including mom and Dan.

Kathy said...

I think that we should just start calling dad Dan...what a nice change.

Stepi said...

Hey! Tina is anyone else going with you to Marine World? We would love to go too. But if its a "no friends aloud" event I'd understand!

Emily said...

Nick and the kids are down with a trip to Marine World too, Stephanie.

I also think we should consider a time to get a babysitter for the young-uns and go out for an adult only meal.

happytape! said...

Everyone is welcome to join us for the Marine World trip! We will probably stay in the bay area for 2 nights because we want to go to Marine World, to the ocean, and to visit one of Berrett's mission friends who lives there. So, you can join us for all or part of that venture. If you want to stay overnight with us, we can reserve our rooms at the same time so we can be close to each other. That would be great!!

happytape! said...

p.s. i'd love an adult date too. i don't know who we could get to babysit. maybe we could go after the kids go to bed or something. or maybe just girls???

Stepi said...

I know several great babysitters in my ward. We could go out to an early dinner or after they went to bed (early!) too. We could work it out several ways. I can't wait!

Emily said...

Not just girls... that is a sore spot with Nick already around here

A babysitter would work great, Stephanie. Maybe a Miamaid or two from your ward? They work cheap :)

We probably only need 2-3 hours- yea!

happytape! said...

Why is Nick sensitive about girls only nights? I'm very curious!

I don't know if I could leave my kids with a stranger....I know I'm overprotective!

Kathy said...

I'm down with going out on an "adult" night. (That sounds nuaghty).

I think I understand Nick being sensitive with that. I mean, he likes to hang out with us (the sisters), I think, and chat with everyone and if it were me, I would get annoyed at always being the one to stay home while the girls go out. I mean, that can happen sometimes, maybe even most of the time (I'm refereing to swapping at caring for the kids) but I think it would be great to have just ONE night with no chicklings. Do I make any sence?

Emily said...

We've had many discussions about 'girls only' events. Nick's opinion is that if you are having a family event, you invite everyone in the family. My opinion is that 'girls only' has different dynamic than if you invite all. Just like 'adult only' dinner is going to be a different dynamic than the all family fun of cousins camp. If you know what I mean.

Tina- would you be comfortable with Marina watching your kids? She is on the edge of being sensitive about being excluded from an 'adult only' dinner and we may be able to smooth that over by asking/paying her to watch and help with babysitting. I remember at that age being highly offended at being shuttled with the kids when the grown ups were going out.

My 2 older ones are pretty self sustaining and just need someone to make sure they don't try to cook something or wrestle each other and get hurt (they really need a referee, I guess). I'm fine with someone Stephanie recommends watching Max for an hour or two.

OK! Hope we can work it out, this is going to be great. What we want to avoid is your mom feeling like she needs to stay home and watch the kids.

Can you believe so much discussion about a meal we are going to eat 3 months from now :0)

Emily said...

On second thought, I am starting to think the adults dinner should be either before or after cousins camp.

Stepi said...

I told mom about the adult dinner and she thought it would be fine. But if we do do it before or after CC we would have a handful less of people (non-Wilbergs). There are quite a few adults at CC. I love them all but it might be a lot of people.

About the babysitters... there are just a few real little ones under the age of four. The older kids can help supervise and we can get two babysitters. I think it could just work out great! We could possibly even find an adult (like Twana) to help if there are too many worries.

That's all!!