Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Cute! Cute!

Just a cute picture taken at the Exploritorium field trip a few weeks ago!

Well here is Gretta with her protective sleeping cap on! Some story scared her at school about two weeks ago so she has slept with the top of her head covered ever since. Thank goodness we found this hat is Sasha's drawer that does a much better job than her ratty old blanket. Sorry that the pic is blurry but it is hard taking a picture in the dark!


Kathy said...

I love that photo of all 3! You should use it as a Christmas card. Very cute!

I think that's a great idea about the hat. Jake has gotten scared before with monsters so we take a deep breath and "blow" them away. I don't know how long that will work. I'll have to go to the hat next.


DarkChocolateDaily said...

I seriously love these pictures. The kiddos are so so sweetie cute and growing up tot fast! I love the purple cap too. Very smart idea. Great moms.

Stepi said...

I can't take credit for the purple hat. It was totally Gretta's idea all the way. Sweet little thing.

happytape! said...

she looks so cozy with that hat! nothing is better than sleeping kids.

jonah looks healthy in that picture! really healthy! is he getting his insulin all worked out? is it fun yet? (hardy har)
your kids look great!