Friday, June 01, 2007

Mmmmm..Princess Cake

Oh, baby check this deliciousness out! The last day I was in Sacramento I couldn't leave without having some irresistible Ettorie's Princess Cake. Aren't you all jealous?!

I had a ton of fun in Sacto! So did my kids! It was so fun to hang out with Mom and Steph and my friends that I went to San Fransisco with. I also got to see Elizabeth which was so fun! I sure miss her, too!

Highlights of the Sacto trip:

*Going to Steph's book club about Twilight then reading her copy of New Moon and staying up till 3:30 am to finish it. (I'm addicted! Like Nancy said, it's a drug! Why do we like vampires?!)
*Going to 6 Flags and riding all the rides a ton just like last time. (We thought alot about Tina and getting scared speechless. Oh, Tina)
*Shopping at H&M in San Fran. (Didn't know about that store. SO COOL!)
*Eating cheesecake at the Cheese Cake Factory (I'd never gone there before)
*Eating at Bubba Gump Shrimp on Pier 39 (Thanks to Nick's personal Bubba Gump experience)
*Having mom and dad watch Jake and Sam while I headed to San Fransisco. (Thanks, Mom & Dad!)
*Shopping at IKEA (Bought so much stuff I had to mail some of it.)
*Shopping at D.I. (I LOVE D.I.!!! Why can't they have one in ABQ?)
*Listening to Steph's new cd from The Muse and then buying it for myself
*Eating fabulous sushi with Steph and Vaughn
*Having the kids love to play with cousins (& witnessing a few scuffles)
*Swimming & sunning at Negro Bar on Memorial Day
*Watching every possible thing on our "The Office" season 2 DVDs (Steph's now totally addicted.)
*Seeing a bunch of my ABQ and high school friends
*Hanging out with Steph till WAY too late
*Hanging out with mom and dad
*And, of course, eating Ettorie's Princess Cake

Did I forget anything? Probably. But it was fun.
Thanks Mom, Dad and Steph


Stepi said...

I loved reading this!! I think you covered everyone of my favorite things too.

I was so so sad to have you leave. Why can't we all live closer? Why, why why???? I feel so motivated when I'm with family. I even felt motivated seeing Nick and Em's awesome Alaska pics. (Thanks E for the e-mail! Can you blog yet?)
I miss all of you so much. dang it. (isn't this just a repeat of things I always say? Sorry.)

DarkChocolateDaily said...

Looks so amazing and tasty!!!! Miss and love you lots!

happytape! said...

I'm more jealous that you two are sitting in the same room at mom and dad's than I am of that delicious cake!

Why does no one ever ship one of those to me?

You guys look great!! I'm glad your trip was so fun!