Monday, March 24, 2008

i bought my first steno

i had funny flashbacks today as i bought my first (at least my first that was solely for me, by me) steno notebook. i wondered who else uses these all the time and what other, non-moms, call them. i remember mom saying 'i need to buy a steno notebook' on a regular basis....does anyone else remember that, or am i misremembering?

i wonder if this is the beginning of my giant steno notebook collection. mom, i think we need to sit down and read through all your notebooks someday (not today, though. i'm real busy.)


Stepi said...

Even now, when I'm at mom's, I feel guilty if I write in the "Steno". When I was there on Saturday, I needed something to write an adress on and I felt bad for even writing on the back of her notebook. Sorry mom!

What did you get yours for Tina?

happytape! said...

I needed a notebook to keep track of my jewelry orders; something I could bring up and down the stairs 24/7, since my studio is downstairs from my computer.

I remember that guilty feeling, too! How funny!

Kathy said...

I totally laughed when I read this post and didn't realize I feel the same way about those steno pads. How funny! I think that I should have a designated notebook that is all my and not anyone else's. If I put a shopping list pad or anything else paper-like in access for Jacob's little hands, I get it back with something drawn on every page! The little nut! He's always drawing us sweet "notes" though. Very thoughtful.

DarkChocolateDaily said...

TOTALLY. Writing on her stenos was taboo. You couldn't even rip a blank sheet out because she writes through on both sides and would eventually miss that one sheet. Tina, were you liberated in buying your own? It's red too. Red is totally the new green.