At 5:04 I sat straight up in bed- the house was shaking. I first thought something had hit the house. It was very quiet. I looked out the window and all was still. Then I thought maybe I was just shaky from low blood sugar and needed to eat. I couldn't get back to sleep so went online. From facebook friends I found out we did, in fact, have an earthquake today. 3.6 magnitude with the epicenter 3 miles from my house. It was amazing. All reports show many people felt it. I have a friend online who posted a photo of the devistation we have experienced. Glad everyone is ok
Wow! That looks really destructive.
We where woken up about three times with earthquakes, while living is Washington. It is very strange because you aren't sure if you felt something or not. Kind of fun too, if it is just little.
Oh, the humanity!...
We felt it, too! It shook us out of bed. Because I've been permenatly affected by our house being robbed 4 years ago, I thought someone was breaking into our house.
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