Friday, October 31, 2008

Guess where I went?

(I wanted to get this in before all the Halloween posts started to come but it looks like I'm a little late, so sorry about that Kath)

On Tuesday there was a rally at the Capitol that we attended. I have to say I was very nervous since I am the farthest thing from a controversial person, but we had to show our support. This is such a hot topic around here--it is crazy, but I feel it is something that is critical to our families and future.

Prop 8 does not take any "Rights" away from homosexuals. The rights they have as couples still exist. Prop 8 just states what marriage is and always has been throughout history. Marriage is between a man and a woman, and puts this into the state constitution so that radical judges can not make their own laws contrary to what people have voted on. It is trying to keep judges and homosexuals from re-defining what marriage is.

I don't want children in this state taught about homosexuality at school and I want my religion to be able to hold strong to its beliefs. People have a right to their moral agency and beliefs and the government has no right to interfere in that.

I could go on but this article is so much better than what I could write so you should read it instead! Please take the time to read it. We are fasting on Sunday. Please tell everyone you know. It is so very important.


happytape! said...

it looks like you had great weather for the occasion, too! were there protesters protesting your group? on npr the other day, someone said the dollar amount spent on this bill (on both sides) has been enormous! i can't remember the amount, but it was huge. i wonder how it will go.

Sarah said...

Good for you! The same issue has been big here in AZ too. Probably not as controversial as in CA, but we've had our moments. Hope it passes!

Stepi said...

Money is pouring in from all over the country. Originally, we were expected to be outspent 2 or 3 to 1but it turns out pretty even now. It is amazing. If this passes in CA it should help other states as well in protecting marriage (at least for a little while).

Sarah, I'm so happy to hear from you and know that you look here. I have been watching your blog for awhile and I love it.

Kathy said...

We will see what happens tomorrow! So crazy, I can't believe it!